Agoracom Blog

Online Investor Relations Model Makes AGORACOM ‘Greenest’ Firm In The Industry

Posted by AGORACOM at 1:23 PM on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009


AGORACOM is proud to announce the results of our Carbon Footprint findings in recognition of ‘Earth Day.  Our digital delivery of investor relations makes AGORACOM the most ‘environment-friendly’ investor relations firm in the industry.

In 2008, we delivered investor relations on behalf of 85 companies to more than 1.3 million investors in over 200 countries -  and we did it without having to take planes, trains and automobiles to meetings all over the world.  In addition, the digital delivery of investor relations means we didn’t need to senselessly cut down a single tree to produce collateral materials that unfortunately end up in a recycling bin within 24 hours.


The results from an online Carbon Footprint calculator show that AGORACOM has a carbon footprint of 76.7 tonnes per year, which translates into 5.11 tonnes per employee.  To put this number into perspective, the average Torontonian’s carbon footprint measures 8.6 tonnes per year, lower than the average American’s footprint, which measures at about 11.9 tonnes.

 “While we realize online calculators measuring carbon footprints only offer an approximate indication of an organization’s emissions output, the results are relative and we challenge any investor relations firm with more than 50 clients to beat us”, Tsiolis added. “As a pure online investor relations firm, I am very confident that our carbon footprint is significantly lower than any traditional IR firm. Our use of Web 2.0 tools such as electronic shareholder forums, blogs, webcasts, video and other tools allow AGORACOM to fill the information void created by the lack of small-cap coverage in the media while keeping our carbon footprint to a minimum.”


  1. No Micro Meetings -Thousands Of Investors Amalgamate and Communicate In Online HUBS.
  2. No Traveling – Clients Are Not Forced To Travel Around The World To Meet Investors.
  3. No Printing – 99% of Collateral Information Is Produced and Consumed Digitally.

For those whose inner environmentalist speaks loudest on April 22, visit the Earth Day Network to make a public commitment to take an environmental action.

Happy Earth Day,


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4 Responses to “Online Investor Relations Model Makes AGORACOM ‘Greenest’ Firm In The Industry”

  1. Franklin says:

    Alex, let me ask you this question: do you live your life ***only*** for money? You sure don’t, do you? You have a family to take care of, you go on vacations, you take care of your health, plus a plethora of other things in this world.
    AGORACOM’s being green is more of an extra benefit that it has acquired from its web-only existence (which, by the way already does help clients, by allowing them to access information faster, without the hassles of having to travel, etc).

    Even corporate giants such as Google care about this stuff.
    Go ahead and visit these:

    It’s all about making this planet a better place.

  2. Hey Alex.

    I agree with you on that it is a Marketing Tactic. Of course it is. This environmental “green” movement perpetrated by cities across the world is biggest propaganda since the smoking ban. But on the flipside take time to consider some of the positives. We are one of thousands of paperless offices; our servers are hosted by a company which uses upto 30% less energy than traditional hosting plans. In fact I know of a plethora of companies that host website powered entirely by Wind or Solar (

    Its the little things that will count; using less paper, less energy, and not the big policies. In stead of taxing or banning anti-green behavior, they should look to encourage pro green behavior via education; and not through once a year incentives for the policy makers to pat themselves on the back.

  3. JC says:

    Alex, AGORACOM is in the business of Investor Relations and yes many of the company’s clients are in the Resource sector. George was referring specifically to AGORACOM as a “environmentally friendly firm” compared to its peers. I’ve worked on the retail brokerage side of the business and I’ve seen the massive amounts of “collateral Information” being distributed and then disposed of. AGORACOM uses the web as its sole medium for information dissemination.

  4. alex says:

    not to be condescending, but in the larger picture what end value does this add to your clients?

    more importantly, aren’t you in the business of promoting companies (mining, energy, resource etc) that are huge producers of carbon & other harmful pollutants?

    don’t mean to specifically point out your company, but after reading about the huge amount of wasteful spending that Mayor Miller is wasting our tax dollars on, I’m a little fed up with the whole environmentalist movement. Right now I don’t see it as much more then a marketing tactic, vs. a measurable value ‘adder’ to consumers & companies