Revenues for the second quarter ended December 31, 2009,
in excess of $1.45 Million CDN
This announcement follows the successful launch of Intertainment’s wholly owned division, Itibiti Systems Inc.’s highly anticipated program with providing desktop social networking and communications through the itiBiti developed and powered Communicator. The Communicator is the first commercial launch of the itiBiti program, with subsequent clients already in closed beta and near term public launch.
Q2 Business Highlights
- Intertainment increases revenues in Q2 by over 400% as compared to Q1.
- Mr. Brad Parry joins Intertainment as Chief Marketing Officer.
- Magnum, Intertainment’s traditional media division, integrates its acquisition into its product and program offerings.
- itiBiti opens offices in New York and Los Angeles.
- itiBiti commercializes with the launch of the Communicator (
- itiBiti signs 3 other major clients for launch programs – launch January / February 2010.
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