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Applied BioSciences $APPB – CBD Oil For Dogs: Everything You Need To Know $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 10:48 AM on Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

SPONSOR: Applied Biosciences Corp. is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics and biopharmaceuticals, as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics. As a leading company in the CBD, Pet and Health and Wellness space, the company is currently shipping to the majority of US states as well as to 5 International countries. Click Here for More Info

For how quickly the world fell in love with CBD, it seemed like we automatically made it okay for our dogs to take it too.

Perhaps one of the first instances where a new medical craze was brought along to our furry friends as well, there’s been a growing trend of people giving their dogs CBD Oil for an array of issues including everything from socializing problems to digestive issues. Yes, for as much as we hear about CBD being a miracle drug for humans, we have heard just as much about it being amazing for our dogs as well. Granted, we understand the skepticism (which we’ve felt too), which is why we wanted to learn more too.

Although we’re still in the infancy of studying CBD, early signs have pointed that it’s not only great for humans but other animals with an endocannabinoid (the receptors of CBD) too, (including man’s best friend). And if you’ve been considering taking the leap to give your dog CBD oil soon, then there are a few things you should consider beforehand. Luckily for you, we’ve put together the lowdown on what you need to know about your dog taking CBD and how to get them into it proper. Check it out below:

The Best Products

I’ve compiled the best CBD dog products here. It’s important you pick products that are not only healthy for your dog but also taste good. If you can get your pup on the habit of taking CBD consistently, the products on the list above should be able to help a variety of ailments including anxiety, crate training, new environment, arthritis, natural aging, and agitation.

The Big Boom

The passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, industrial hemp became federally legal for the first time since the early 1900s. This legalized a large portion of the CBD industry nationally, primarily the plants that don’t contain THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) which usually is derived from female plants (which contain THC and CBD). Instead, industrial hemp is primarily grown as male plants, which only contains CBD, and thus, giving us an entirely new industry all across the United States that’s estimated to hit $22 billion by 2022, according to Rolling Stone. Yes, we’re entering a new ‘Green Rush’, one where a lot of entrepreneurs across the spectrum (including in the pet industry) have wanted to get their hands on.

Despite CBD still being in its early stages, the lineup of products we’ve seen has had a serious boom over the years. According to Consumer Reports, an estimated 64 million people have tried CBD, which is anticipated to rise even further as word-of-mouth over the products spread. Furthermore, the plant isn’t just used by young people, with Baby Boomers becoming one of the fastest-growing segments of users out, increasing at 25 percent over the past year alone, as noted by AARP. And for something to spread so quickly, we have to pause and ask: what value do people (let alone our pets) take from this?

What Do We Use CBD For?

Perhaps the most complicated aspect of learning about CBD is understanding why exactly people take it. If you were to ask any current CBD user the exact question of “what do you use CBD for?”, you’ll be given a different each time, with some people reporting that it heals everything from aches and pain to others stating it alleviates anxiety. While a lot of these reports have been unproven, there’s been not only a strong word-of-mouth presence in support that has a solid amount of action to stand behind it; in fact, in 2017, we reported that nearly half of people who use CBD stopped taking traditional medicine. Phenomenons like that don’t happen often, which begs the question: Does this really work?

Granted, the effectiveness of CBD depends on quite a few factors, including the source, strength, medium of ingestion, or even if it’s really CBD (according to a 2017 survey by U Penn, over 70 percent of CBD sold online was mislabeled). While the industry has made strides since federal legalization, there’s also a fair amount of bad actors who are out to sell whatever they can. However, this is why before you buy for yourself (or your pets) there are a few things you should consider about sourcing.

With CBD, there are a few different extraction processes, which are commonly referred to as CBD isolate (no THC), broad-spectrum (might contain THC), and full-spectrum (contains all aspects of the plant, including THC). The majority of products you’ll see in states where recreational and medical marijuana are illegal will contain isolate, as it has the least amount of THC in it, however, that’s not to say there aren’t evangelists for broad or full spectrum. 

A big reason that people are more into broad or full spectrums is they argue that the effects are better. Additionally, as it goes with many other health crazes, a lot of the CBD industry tries to keep as much of the product as natural as possible, which is why so many focus on having vegan or organic lines. While it’s heavily contested and disputed, the juries still out on how exactly the strength compares in each spectrum. This is why it’s an interesting time to look into not only the different uses of CBD  but which patients find their version of the medicine effective.

The most common reasons people take CBD include pain relief, anxiety (which includes PTSD, general anxiety, stress, depression, and social anxiety), epilepsy, and now with legalization, other uses like athletic performance enhancement/recovery have sprung up as well. 

Finally, CBD is often labeled as a ‘miracle drug’ because it naturally fits with our Human Endocannabinoid System, which UCLA Health’s Cannabis Lab refers to as “arguably one of the most widespread and versatile signaling molecules known to man.” This is essentially how our body takes in CBD, which is why so many people have found different uses for its effectiveness. However, that still doesn’t answer why did we start giving it to our dogs.

Why We Started Giving CBD Oil To Our Dogs

The odd thing about giving CBD to our pets is that it’s probably one of the only substances we started taking and immediately found it okay for animals to do as well. Part of the reason we found acceptance so quickly is that not only is CBD natural, but natural for dogs to take as well; in fact, as noted by Canine Journal, both humans and dogs have an endocannabinoid system…the same as we mentioned above for ourselves. And for that, we started experimenting with how CBD could possibly help our furry friends with the same issues we face too.

The popularity of CBD for dogs started out because there was a genuine belief that what it did for us could also be done for dogs. In many ways, the same social phenomenon we saw in humans started to reflect in pet owners as well, with claims that it helped older dogs with joints pains to skittish dogs with anxiety from fireworks. Although the research is still in its infancy, this has blown up as an industry, which CNBC notes that research estimates for pet CBD alone could be worth $1.16 billion by 2022. Despite its popularity though, we’re still working through how exactly CBD works for our pooches.

While there have been some studies conducted, the overarching research is limited. In light of these setbacks, early quantitative research that examines the effects of CBD on dogs has been promising. Especially as many of these use cases are the same we’ve found in humans, the parallels have been outstanding, and provide promise into what the future could hold between our dog’s relationship with CBD as well as how it correlates with our own. Here are a few of the categories on what we’ve found: 

Pain Management

One of the first early uses of CBD for dogs has been pain management. While we often hear about older pet owners using CBD for their dog’s joint pains, the usage has become much more extensive than that, with research to back it up as well. According to a study by Cornell University published by the Frontiers in Veterinary Science, CBD was shown to be helpful in a sample size of older dogs with arthritis pain. We’ll note that the study, while conducted properly, still showcases a good point in how we look at researching subjects like pain management and CBD for dogs: it’s hard to gauge just how effective the management actually is.

As we’ve already seen different CBD companies offering dog treats in different dosages, the general assumption is that the owners are giving these recommended amounts based upon the dog’s weight and size. While that’s the conservative norm, there already have been early cases of owners giving their dog too much CBD, which can pose greater health risks within itself. Yet, it’s difficult for us to understand how much pain our dog might be in beyond them outright screaming, which is why it’s best to bring your dog to the vet if you feel as though they might be experiencing any aches or pains before administering them CBD.

When talking with your vet, it’s important to get a good gauge on how much pain your dog might be in, as well as what dosage of CBD might be right for them. Although there’s a grey area in regards to veterinarians actually giving CBD as a recommendation, a lot of them agree that they’ve had patients who’ve claimed that it can help. The most common use that’s been seen is recurring aches (particularly, joint pains in taller or bigger dogs), which often come with old age regardless. Even still, talking with your vet will help in understanding if CBD is right for your pooch, as well as what type of CBD product might be best for them (such as infusions with fish oil or Omega-3s for inflammation). 


As we’ve seen CBD being used for human seizures and epilepsy, the treatment might remarkably be the same for pets as well. The American Kennell Club is noted for trying to test this theory, particularly in early clinical trials that involve 12-week sprints of using CBD versus a placebo. Although the research is still early, this could become a pretty interesting development, because while canine epilepsy only impacts less than 1 percent of dogs, it opens the door to exploring just how CBD can be used in impacting common ailments between our pets and ourselves as well.

Gastrointestinal Issues

As noted by Lola Hemp, one area of high ECS (endocannabinoid systems) is in the gut, which is why many pet owners have noted CBD to be helpful in easing gut health. The particular places it’s been helpful have included digestion problems such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), constipation, acid reflux, and nausea. Furthermore, CBD has also been helpful in easing food allergies or gluten sensitivity. Although still an early candidate, early studies have suggested that CBD can help quite a bit in our dog’s digestive health (as well as with humans too!). 


Anxiety is always most visible in dogs, with many dealing with certain instances of anxiousness (such as separation anxiety) or holding onto a specific learned behavior from their past (such as lashing out at someone that resembles an abuser). What makes a dog’s anxiety so difficult to deal with is the frequency and severity of it; for example, a dog that might get scared of fireworks on the 4th of July may or may not need CBD, while trying to treat separation anxiety with only CBD might be more of a challenge. For this reason, it’s important to take a step back and look at what exactly it means to be responsible administrators of CBD for anxiety in our pets.

One of the dangers people face when treating their dog’s anxiety with CBD is becoming reliant on it as a crutch. Quite simply, there are certain behaviors we need to train out of our dogs, such as learning how to stay calm when we’re not home or not lunging at other dogs or people. This can be a challenge communication-wise because once a dog has been administered the CBD, it’s hard to get a gauge on when it weens off. However, that’s why (like with pain management), it’s best to consult with an expert to truly get a diagnosis and action plan.

When speaking with your vet, be mindful that the focal point of your conversation shouldn’t be “should I give my dog CBD?” but rather “what’s the best plan for alleviating my dog’s anxiety, and how can CBD possibly help?” Ultimately, your vet will probably want to go over what your dog has been doing, any behavioral things you can begin teaching in your day-to-day, and how you plan on implementing CBD into this routine. Try to establish checkpoints of how your dog’s treatment has been going, as well as how you can start weening them off of their dosage or CBD entirely. Remember, this is a catalyst to helping your dog into a better life, not the end solution.

As one of the most exciting developments in CBD for dogs, treating anxiety with it could be an absolute gamechanger. An incredibly popular option amongst pet owners, it’s going to be interesting to see how the market develops, particularly in what products might be infused with CBD to further help pets in other things going on as well. However, even with all the hype, the traditional veterinary world still has its concerns, which has opened a whole can of worms over what comes next.

How Has The Veterinary World Responded?

While the veterinary industry isn’t exactly against CBD, there’s still some concern in regards to coming up with a consensus opinion. As noted by CNBC, neither the FDA nor the American Veterinary Medical Association has yet to make a public statement in support or against our pets taking CBD, which makes sense given how the industry is still by-and-large at its foundation. However, that’s not to say there aren’t certain overall concerns that those working in the field haven’t brought up.

Perhaps the biggest criticism of CBD for our pets that come from vets is simply not employing what they were educated to do…and rightfully so. Diagnosing what could potentially be wrong with a dog is not up to the owner, but a medical professional, and regardless of how natural or harmless some people believe CBD can be, it doesn’t negate the fact that it’s still a substance being given to an animal that has an elementary level of communication with us. Furthermore, vets (as well as researchers) are still trying to figure out how CBD reacts with certain breeds of dogs over others, which can play a pretty pivotal role in how it gets diagnosed and in what dosages. However, despite these limitations, many vets are still giving CBD the green light.

Even with the limited knowledgebase behind diagnosing CBD relative to the rest of the veterinary field, many vets are still working with owners if they want to give their pet a shot with the substance. The primary reasoning behind this goes back to the inherent design of CBD in our pet’s bodies, which is that it’s reactive with our endocannabinoid systems, defining it as a natural remedy. Furthermore, most vets agree that as long as a patient isn’t self-diagnosing or consulting an amateur on how much CBD their dog should take, then it’s a relatively harmless substance to ingest. However, the dangers behind it have started to rise up with increased usage, which has been the cause of some concern between vets, owners, and the dog community as a whole.

The Dangers of Dogs Using CBD Oils

Although there’s yet to be a reported overdose of a dog on CBD, there certainly have been plenty of cases of poisoning. According to the ASPCA’s Poison Control Center, there’s been a 700 percent increase in marijuana-related pet poisonings in 2019 alone, which is a grave cause for concern amongst owners. While it’s true that every new substance like CBD is going to have those who overdo things, this is still a widely unregulated industry, which comes with the territory.

Beyond just consulting with your vet over if CBD is right for your dog and how much they should take, the other half of the equation is what products they should be taking. The industry hosts a lot of bunk items, which while most will be harmless to your dog, others can be made with filler or junk, which can cause trouble in itself. Furthermore, while mixing an oil or tincture into your dog’s food might be fine, going overboard on certain CBD treats can not only cause tummy aches but lead to real issues as well. And finally, don’t forget that in states where marijuana is recreationally legal, some treats that are designed to be CBD treats for dogs can contain slight to moderate amounts of THC in them, which your dog might have a terrible reaction to. 

Ultimately, talking with your vet will help in preventing the most common issues that could occur with your dog, which is why we stress it as a first solution. However, if you do find yourself where an accident may have occurred, the ASCPA lists the following as common symptoms of CBD/THC pet overdose:

  • Lethargy
  • Ataxia
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Vomiting
  • Hyperesthesia
  • Some pets with larger exposures have even become recumbent

Granted, as most dog owners will tell you, there could be any number of reasons that these symptoms are occurring. The difficult part here is determining if it was the CBD that caused or not, as well as how heightened your emergency might be. A good rule of thumb with our pets is that it’s better to be safe than sorry, so even if it turns out your dog was coincidentally throwing up from eating too much grass, having that assurance over knowing it was because of a new CBD regiment could literally be a lifesaver. Finally, if you feel as though your dog had CBD that was either a bad batch or poisoned, contact the ASPCA’s Poison Control Center ASAP at the number listed at the bottom of this article.

Final Thoughts

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the CBD dog industry is that it’s still very much in its infancy. In a lot of ways, this is the most exciting time to be involved, getting in and learning about the potential of how we can improve the lives and health of our furry friends. On a much larger level, however, there are still some concerns over how this industry will develop, as well as to what regulatory bodies will oversee the production of CBD for dogs and the types of ingredients being allowed. Remember, even though most of what we’re making can be consumed by humans too, we still don’t know small things such as how CBD might interact with other substances once ingested by a dog, and for that, we’re still very much experimenting.

The biggest issue with this ‘experimental’ phase is oversight over scalability, which could become dangerous if regulators don’t act quickly. According to Bloomberg, in 2019 alone it’s estimated that approximately 10 percent of the CBD market will go towards pets, making them a primary consumer more so than in any other natural remedy or industry. As one of the first times that we’ve had a substance we can share with our pets, this is an exciting time, but also one with its hesitations over what they can and can’t ingest.

One of the first things we should consider with implementing regulation on CBD dog oils, tinctures, and treats is what substance that can and can’t be used in combination with the CBD. Even those who are making CBD oils for humans that they advertise as safe for dogs needs to be thoroughly checked that a dog can have some as well. Additionally, improving labeling on the packaging, including what ingredients are in there as well as the potential side effects for our pets is an absolute must, as well as looking into how different combinations of foods or other substances that might affect the dog too. While we already have a relatively good grasp on what dogs can and can’t have, this is still a subject we’re learning about, and when it comes to innovation, sometimes new things can have unfortunate consequences.

All-in-all, it’s an exciting time to be in the CBD industry (especially for our furry friends). While there are some roadblocks and setbacks ahead regarding an ironclad set of what they can and can’t have, the future is looking good. A big part of this will be how we can continue to create new and great solutions for our dogs, which could even improve certain everyday functions with them as well, such as easing them on car trips or helping them gain their appetite back. If done right, CBD could establish a foundation for dogs to live the best we’ve ever seen them, which is a remarkable feat in its own right.

Tips For Easing Your Dog Into CBD

Consult Your Vet

As we stated above, your vet is going to know best, which is why you should talk to them first about if CBD is right for your dog. Make sure to be forthright and honest with everything you know, as well as walk out of the office (or call) knowing the exact amount of CBD you should be giving your dog per their weight and diet restrictions, as well as if there are any red flags you should look out for. Even though this is a new medicine, your veterinarian knows much, much more than you do about your dog (no offense) which is why they should always be your first go-to with any new substance. 

Know Why Your Dog Needs It

While administering CBD has been a growing trend for dog owners, that doesn’t necessarily mean your pet needs it. Despite its wonders in curing things like anxiety or appetite, these can sometimes be symptoms of bigger problems that CBD alone can’t solve. Ultimately, CBD can either play a great catalyst in helping get over existing problems, or in helping to cope with life-long ones. Remember, this is a medicine, which while humans might take it recreationally or for problems like social anxiety, that doesn’t mean your dog needs to be like you. Quite simply, sometimes man’s best friend is just fine how they are.

Have An Action Plan For How They’re Taking It

Even if your dog does need CBD, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to like it. To combat this, a helpful tip is putting your dog’s CBD oil in their food or inside a treat like a scoop of peanut butter. Certain companies have started to develop CBD dog treats, which have been a great alternative to trying to squeeze tinctures in their mouths. Ultimately, you know your dogs taste best, so pick which method you think they’ll love the most and ease them into things gradually and slowly.

The other half of your action plan needs to understand when and why they’re taking CBD. Even though you might have CBD in your possession doesn’t mean it’s the appropriate time or emergency for your dog to be taking it. Consult with your vet what symptoms you see that require them to take CBD, as well as the proper way to dose them on it.

Know What To Do In An Emergency

As all of us would be heartbroken if something happened to our pet, it’s imperative you have a backup plan in case your dog has a bad reaction to CBD. Write down the ASPCA’s Poison Control Center’s number at 1-888-426-4435 and place it on your fridge or store it in your phone. Trust us, it might be a lifesaver.

Keep Your Behavior Consistent

With your dog getting used to CBD, it’s important you keep your relationship and routine the same with them. For example, if you’re giving your dog CBD for social anxiety, then going about socializing with them normally will help in the process when you eventually ween them off. In short, this isn’t a time to give your dog CBD and let them be, but rather embrace this an opportunity to get to know them better, as well as grow your relationship further.


Applied BioSciences $APPB CBD as Medicine — How Much Do We Know So far? $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 8:25 AM on Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

SPONSOR: Applied Biosciences Corp. is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics and biopharmaceuticals, as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics. As a leading company in the CBD, Pet and Health and Wellness space, the company is currently shipping to the majority of US states as well as to 5 International countries. Click Here for More Info

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. It has seen a lot of interest recently, which has created a rush to establish a foothold in the rapidly-growing, emerging market.

Accelerating this market boom is CBD’s purported medicinal properties, and since, for the most part, the compound, found in both cannabis and hemp, is marketed as a nutritional supplement, the ability to make health claims is encumbered only by a disclaimer that the FDA has not evaluated said promises. Unsurprisingly, CBD today is marketed as a miracle cure-all, treating everything from headaches to cancer, as well as aid in mental wellness. But has the CBD market outpaced the known science?

Two of the most popular ailments that proponents claim are sleep improvement and anxiety. One recent study, published in January of 2019, found promise in using CBD to treat anxiety-related disorders but concluded that controlled, clinical studies are needed, especially in light of so much interest within the lay population.

Pain management is another area in which CBD shows promise, with many current and retired athletes, individuals known for pushing their bodies for maximum performance, at the expense of lasting, chronic pain. Traditional pain and inflammation treatments, such as Ibuprofen, can cause long-term damage to internal organs, or in the case of more potent pain killers, like OxyContin, lead to addiction. Last year, the World Anti-Doping Agency removed CBD from its list of banned substances, perhaps a sign of CBD’s popularity and efficacy. But once again, research finds that while there is promise, no conclusive evidence exists because of a lack of consistent studies, also cautioning that longer-term trials are needed to understand the long-term effects and efficacy of CBD with regards to pain management.

The FDA has approved a pharmaceutical version of cannabidiol, sold under the name Epidiolex last summer, for the treatment of two rare and severe forms of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. Both syndromes begin to affect patients in childhood, with Dravet-related seizures appearing within the first year of life. CBD helps control seizures and improve quality of life. To date, the FDA has not approved the use of CBD for any other conditions however.

Despite the science of how CBD works on our minds and bodies still being less than conclusive, at least by medical standards, that hasn’t stopped people from using and swearing by the curative properties of the cannabis-derived substance. And since the supplement is not as tightly regulated as medicine, those interested in using CBD should do their research into the manufacturer, and discuss it with their physician prior to use.


Applied BioSciences $APPB – Appoints Judith Korner, M.D., Ph.D., as Inaugural Member of its Scientific Advisory Board for Applied BioPharma Division

Posted by AGORACOM at 8:57 AM on Thursday, September 12th, 2019
  • Leading endocrinology and metabolism academic expert with research focus in pathophysiology and treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes
  • Robust business development initiative to build biopharmaceuticals pipeline underway with expectation to announce at least one in-licensing agreement before year end

BEVERLY HILLS, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2019 / Applied BioSciences Corp. (OTCQB:APPB) (“Applied” or the “Company”), a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid biopharmaceuticals and the production of high-quality CBD products, today announced the appointment of Judith Korner, M.D., Ph.D., to its Scientific Advisory Board for the biopharma business unit of the Company, Applied BioPharma.

“We are pleased to welcome Dr. Korner as a founding member of our Scientific Advisory Board. Over the course of 2019, we have been purposefully focusing our corporate and clinical strategies and the leadership surrounding those efforts. The establishment of our Scientific Advisory Board and the appointment of Dr. Korner as its inaugural member is another noteworthy milestone as we continue to establish Applied as a leader in the endocannabinoid biopharmaceuticals space. Dr. Korner’s expertise and insight will be invaluable as we continue to build a solid foundation from which we can launch future expansion and unlock the full potential of Applied BioPharma,” commented Dr. Raymond Urbanski, Chief Executive Officer.

Dr. Korner currently serves as Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine and Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at New York Presbyterian/ Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Her area of research expertise is focused on the pathophysiology and treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes. She currently has funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to investigate peptide hormones that control hunger and food intake, particularly in association with bariatric surgery. She was the Principal Investigator of a NIH-funded trial to study the effects of leptin administration after gastric bypass surgery on body weight and neuroendocrine function and was the Principal Investigator at Columbia University of a multi-center randomized trial of medical management vs gastric bypass surgery for the treatment of diabetes. Dr. Korner is also the Director of the Weight Control Center at Columbia University Irving Medical Center that specializes in the medical treatment of obesity or excessive weight gain. She has published original research as well as chapters and review articles on weight regulation and obesity therapy, serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, and is a member of several professional organizations including The Obesity Society, The Endocrine Society, The American Diabetes Association, The New York Obesity Research Center and the Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center at Columbia University. She has shared her expertise in the field of obesity through on-site training and mentoring of students and junior faculty and presentations at conferences world-wide.

Dr. Korner added, “Applied has made great strides in laying a solid foundation for its corporate and clinical development. I am pleased to be an inaugural member of this Scientific Advisory Board for what I believe will be an important Company in the endocannabinoid biopharmaceuticals space. With the strategies in place and multiple near-term milestones ahead, I believe Applied has the potential to significantly impact areas of unmet need and I look forward to leveraging my expertise.”

Dr. Korner received her medical degree at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University where she also obtained her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Axel. She completed her internship and residency in Internal Medicine, served as Chief Medical Resident, and completed her fellowship in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at Columbia University Medical Center.

The Applied BioPharma business unit is focused on the development and commercialization of novel therapeutics to treat serious diseases by leveraging an industry leading pipeline of endocannabinoid system-targeted drug candidates.

The Company is actively seeking in-license opportunities for Applied BioPharma with the goal of developing an industry leading pipeline of endocannabinoid system-targeted drug candidates that address significant unmet needs across a wide range of therapeutic areas. The Applied management team expects to announce at least one in-licensing agreement before year end.

About Applied BioSciences Corp.

Applied BioSciences is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics / biopharmaceuticals and delivering high-quality CBD products as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics capabilities to our customers. For more information, visit the Company’s website.

Applied BioSciences $APPB – New Report Puts North American Cannabis Market At $47.3B By 2024 $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 7:44 PM on Friday, September 6th, 2019

SPONSOR: Applied Biosciences Corp. is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics and biopharmaceuticals, as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics. As a leading company in the CBD, Pet and Health and Wellness space, the company is currently shipping to the majority of US states as well as to 5 International countries. Click Here for More Info

  • Market research and data analytics firm Prohibition Partners has released its first North American Cannabis Report.
  • The firm is estimating that by 2024, the continent’s cannabis market will be worth $47.3 Billion.
  • Big-name brands entering the game and celebrity endorsements are cited as important steps toward positioning cannabis as a mainstream product.

In the 134-page paper, the firm analyzes the current state of the cannabis industry in Canada and the United States to draw key insights into the industry’s future in the region.

The firm is estimating that by 2024, the continent’s cannabis market will be worth $47.3 Billion.

Daragh Anglim, the firm’s managing director, said the report offers good reason to believe that both medical and recreational cannabis will be completely legal in the entire region by that same year and â€œintegrated across a number of industry verticals from pharma to food.”

Key Insights

Although the report places Canada as a global leader and an example for countries looking to follow suit with cannabis legalization, it also said the U.S. could soon challenge its northern neighbor’s leadership.

Federal legalization could turn the scale around for the two countries.

Big-name brands entering the game and celebrity endorsements are cited as important steps toward positioning cannabis as a mainstream product.

A long-term decline in smoking and a stagnation in alcohol consumption are helping the cannabis sector accelerate through Big Tobacco and Big Alcohol investments and alliances, which are expected to continue to flourish, according to Prohibition Partners. 

The cannabis industry is expanding within the beauty market, with many premium retailers offering cannabis products.

The edible revolution is expected to hit big, with great expectations around Canada’s legalization of cannabis edibles next month. 

Publicly Listed Cannabis Companies

The number of cannabis companies listed on stock exchanges has increased substantially.

The CSE is by far the largest lister for cannabis companies, with 156.

Curaleaf (OTC: CURLF), Green Thumb Industries (OTC: GTBIF), Cresco Labs (OTC: CRLBF), Acreage Holdings (OTC: ACRGF) and Harvest Health & Recreation (OTC: HRVSF) top the CSE’s list in terms of market cap.

The TSX follows with 22 listed companies; NASDAQ with 15; and NYSE with nine, where the leaders in terms of market cap are Canopy Growth (NYSE: CGC), Aurora Cannabis (NYSE: ABC), The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (NYSE: SMG), Aphria (NYSE: APHA) and Hexo Corp. (NYSE: HEXO). 

Current, Projected Cannabis Market Values

The estimated value for medicinal cannabis in both Canada and the U.S. today is of $10.6 billion, and that figure is expected to climb to $25.2 billion by 2024, the North American Cannabis Report said.

The recreational market is estimated at $6.5 billion, with a climb to $22.1 billion projected in five years. Both markets are projected to climb to a cumulative $47.3 billion in 2024, which would represent 177% growth.

Cannabis Consumers: Key Insights

In both countries, 22% of the population reported having consumed cannabis within the past 12 months.

In the U.S., 19% of users said they use cannabis products to relieve pain. In Canada, the average age of first-time consumption is almost 19 years old.


Applied BioSciences $APPB Subsidiary Enters into Contract for Services with Washington State Department of Agriculture $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 8:35 AM on Tuesday, August 27th, 2019
  • Trace Analytics Inc. is a Leading Cannabis Science and Technology Company with Significant Footprints in Lab Testing, Research and Development and Licensing

BEVERLY HILLS, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2019 / Applied BioSciences Corp. (OTCQB:APPB) (“Applied” or the “Company”), a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid biopharmaceuticals and the production of high-quality CBD products, today announced that its majority owned subsidiary, Trace Analytics Inc., entered into a contract for services with the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) on July 24, 2019. This contract will include testing Industrial Hemp samples and include percentage testing for post-decarboxylation delta 9-tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC) and delta 9-tetrahydocannabinolic acid (THC-A).

The WSDA has contracted Trace Analytics for the purpose of doing cannabinoid profiling for the State’s industrial hemp program to ensure the percentages of certain cannabinoids are below Federal limits.

“We are grateful to the WSDA and to have been chosen as the sole laboratory in Washington State to do cannabinoid profiling for the WSDA’s Industrial Hemp program. We believe this contract provides us with the significant opportunity to bolster and diversify our testing portfolio into industrial hemp and we hope to be able to partner with the agency for a long time to come,” commented Jason Zitzer, Chief Operating Officer of Trace Analytics. “Throughout the drafting, writing and ratification of the Washington State Hemp Bill, Trace Analytics has been an integral part of the process in working with the industry groups. We submitted all of the paperwork and submitted the hemp processors application along with a detailed site map to the WSDA for lab testing licensing consideration. We have already begun receiving samples and reporting results and to date, the program has gone extremely well.”

Trace Analytics Inc. is a leading cannabis science and technology company with significant footprints in lab testing, research and development and licensing. Trace Analytics was started by a group of scientists who specialized in analytical chemistry, genetics and molecular biology. The focus of the team is to ensure compliance with public safety standards and end user safety. Trace Analytics is in the process of expanding throughout the United States, and globally. With the goal of helping the rest of the world adopt “best practices” in cannabis and hemp testing, the Company also provides expert consulting services to legislators and regulators in many countries, states and municipalities around the world.

About Applied BioSciences Corp.

Applied BioSciences is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics / biopharmaceuticals and delivering high-quality CBD products as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics capabilities to our customers. For more information, visit the Company’s website.

Safe Harbor Statement

Except for historical information contained herein, statements in this release may be forward-looking and made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “expect”, “intend” and similar expressions, as they relate to Applied Biosciences Corp. (the “Company”) or its management, identify forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the Company’s business based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and probably will, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements due to numerous factors, including those described above and those risks discussed from time to time in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include such factors as (i) the development and protection of our brands and other intellectual property, (ii) the need to raise capital to meet business requirements, (iii) significant fluctuations in marketing expenses, (iv) the ability to achieve and expand significant levels of revenues, or recognize net income, from the sale of our products and services, (v) the Company’s ability to conduct the business if there are changes in laws, regulations, or government policies related to cannabis, (vi) management’s ability to attract and maintain qualified personnel necessary for the development and commercialization of its planned products, and (vii) other information that may be detailed from time to time in the Company’s filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Investor and Media Contact:

[email protected]
(833) 475-8247

SOURCE: Applied BioSciences Corp.

Applied BioSciences: $APPB Sports and CBD – $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 9:21 AM on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

SPONSOR: Applied Biosciences Corp. is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics and biopharmaceuticals, as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics. As a leading company in the CBD, Pet and Health and Wellness space, the company is currently shipping to the majority of US states as well as to 5 International countries. Click Here for More Info

Athletes and competitors continually push their bodies. But, in order to get best results, their bodies also need to recover properly. Regardless of whether the athlete is a regular gym goer, a weekend warrior, or a pro athlete, recovery is crucial to avoid injuries and ensure maximum performance.

As a result, many athletes are looking for solutions that can help improve their post-workout recovery. One interesting option for athletes is CBD. In this post, we will highlight the use of CBD as a sports recovery tool and the research supporting it. By the end of this article, you will understand why many athletes are adding CBD to their workout recovery routine.

Understanding How CBD Can Help Athletes

CBD, also called cannabidiol, is a natural chemical found in cannabis plants (hemp or marijuana). But, CBD will not get you high. The high that is often associated with marijuana actually comes from a different chemical in the cannabis plant: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The World Health Organization recognizes that CBD is non-toxic, non-addicting, and generally safe.

The evidence for the benefits of using CBD is still in the early stages but is starting to stack up with over 11,000 published medical and scientific studies. How can CBD help athletes during their workout and for competitive performance.


A study published in the journal Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry1 shows that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and plays a role in helping with pain management. This can be beneficial after an intense workout. The pain or soreness that athletes feel when their muscles are fatigued is often a result of microscopic muscle tears and inflammation. This micro-tearing is an important part of muscle growth as it allows the body to increase strength by increasing the size of muscles. CBD may help reduce this inflammation and better prepare the body for another workout.

In addition, when a muscle becomes sore, it can signal that the body needs to restrict muscle contraction as a defense mechanism to prevent muscle damage. Although this response is natural and normally healthy, it can be detrimental to athletic performance. By helping moderate the signals sent through the body, CBD oil can manage the body’s reactions for muscle contraction, muscle tightness, and cramps.2


A good night’s sleep and ample rest are vital for sports recovery and good performance. Sleep gives the body a chance to regenerate and repair damaged muscle fibers. Research studies on CBD also demonstrate that it helps moderate sleep routines for improved sleep quality and duration.3

Mental Health

The importance of focus and attention while playing a sport is a no-brainer. Some people take pre-workout supplements with high amounts of caffeine to help improve focus. But, CBD can also help increase focus by reducing stress/anxiety.

CBD has been shown to have anti-anxiety properties that moderate the body’s reaction to stress.4 This is important because the body can perceive intense muscle exertion during a workout as a sign of stress. This can trigger the stress hormone, cortisol, which signals the body to reduce protein synthesis. Thankfully, according to a 2016 study, CBD can increase the presence of chemicals such as serotonin to help manage the body’s reactions to stress.5

Is CBD a Banned Substance for Sports?

With these great benefits, an important question arises for competitive athletes. Is it classified as a performance enhancer by major sports regulatory bodies?

No. CBD is typically not banned from sports competition. In January 2019, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) released its updated list of prohibited substances. The report did not include CBD on this list, setting the pace for other regulatory bodies, including the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), to do the same. This has also enabled many athletes to switch to using CBD for swelling and inflammation rather than other options like ibuprofen, because they may experience less adverse side effects with CBD.6

Are Professional Athletes Taking CBD?

Until recently, there has been a stigma in sports surrounding the use of CBD. However, this is changing as top athletes publicly talk about their use of CBD products and the improvements they see in their recovery and performance. Below are some of the major athletes who are endorsing the benefits of CBD:

Bubba Watson (PGA Tour Golfer – Current)
Terrell Davis (NFL – Retired)
Ryan VandenBussche (NHL – Retired)
Nate Diaz (MMA Fighter – Current)
Gina Mazany (UFC Fighter – Current)

Final Thoughts on CBD for Athletes

CBD can be useful for improved physical or athletic performance. There is early evidence to support that CBD may help with better and easier recovery after intense physical exertion by reducing inflammation, managing pain, aiding in sleep, and reducing stress. Athletes looking to improve their workout recovery and athletic performance may find it worth considering taking CBD.


Applied BioSciences $APPB Reports First Quarter FY2020 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 8:23 AM on Thursday, August 15th, 2019

– Quarter marked by reinvigorated focus on purposefully built strategic business units leveraging science-driven cannabinoid research to address areas of significant unmet needs and access growing markets –

– Robust business development initiative to build biopharmaceuticals pipeline underway with expectation to announce at least one in-licensing agreement before year end –

– Multiple expected near-term value driving milestones –

Applied BioSciences Corp. (OTCQB: APPB) (“Applied” or the “Company”), a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid biopharmaceuticals and the production of high-quality CBD products, today announced its financial results for the first quarter Fiscal Year 2020 ended June 30, 2019. The Company also provided an update on its corporate and clinical progress.

Q1 FY2020 Operational Highlights

  • Renewed strategy focused on leveraging endocannabinoid system to develop high-value products across three separate business units, including:
    • Biopharmaceuticals: goal to develop novel therapeutics to treat serious diseases across a range of therapeutic areas, including metabolic, peripheral neuropathy and progressive lung disease
    • CBD Products: multiple brands offering high-quality CBD products to the highest regulatory standards;
  • Bolstered leadership team with highly qualified individuals including Raymond W. Urbanski MD, PhD, as Chief Executive Officer, former business unit Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer Inc. and well-established industry-leading expert with over 20 years of experience in clinical development, research and pharmaceutical industry expertise across oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and immunology;
  • Appointed Martin Schroeder to the Scientific Advisory Board and as President of Applied BioPharma. Mr. Schroeder has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and has helped many biotech and pharmaceutical companies conduct search and evaluation of compounds and molecules;
  • Launched multiple new products and expanded into the Beverage and Health / Wellness category with Remedi Spa and Remedi Beverage and Shot;
  • Commenced discussions regarding proposed scientific trials with two leading Universities specializing in Veterinary Medicine; and
  • Launched robust business development initiative to build biopharmaceuticals pipeline.

“Over the past quarter, our team has made diligent efforts to re-focus our corporate and clinical strategy and position ourselves to successfully execute on those goals. This is a transformative time in the Company’s history, and I believe that with the multiple near-term milestones ahead, Applied has the potential to drive value for all stakeholders and truly impact areas of significant unmet need,” commented Dr. Raymond Urbanski, Chief Executive Officer. “Discussions remain underway and we continue to make progress on our plans to build out a biopharmaceuticals pipeline through robust business development initiatives. We expect to announce at least one in-licensing agreement before the end the year. Additionally, we continue to be opportunistic as we look to enhance the profile of Applied BioSciences and position ourselves to uplist to a National Exchange. We remain steadfast on building a solid foundation from which we can launch future expansion and believe, with the combination of potential non-dilutive funding and accessing capital through strategic investments, we have the opportunity to build significant momentum and unlock the full potential of Applied Biosciences.”

Applied BioPharma

The Applied BioPharma business unit is focused on the development and commercialization of novel therapeutics to treat serious diseases by leveraging an industry leading pipeline of endocannabinoid system-targeted drug candidates.

The Company is actively seeking in-license opportunities with the goal of developing an industry leading pipeline of endocannabinoid system-targeted drug candidates that address significant unmet needs across a wide range of therapeutic areas. The Applied management team expects to announce at least one in-licensing agreement before year end.

Applied Products

The Applied Products business unit currently consists of eight different brands of hemp-derived, THC-free, pharmaceutical grade CBD isolates and distribution products, all of which ship to the majority of U.S., as well as to multiple non-US countries. The Company’s portfolio currently includes consumer, animal health, women’s health and sports medicine products.

Applied Products operates under a differentiated approach to quality and regulatory practices within the industry, which it believes well-positions them to be leaders in the market and access the significant opportunity for revenue generation. All CBD products utilize the most proven and effective production methods to ensure the highest quality output. The Company’s Full Spectrum products are made using CO2 Extraction, which allows for the proper retention of cannabinoids and terpenes vs a distillate, and a winterization process. Applied’s THC Free products are CBD Isolate infused. This isolation process leaves behind pure pharmaceutical grade CBD only, ensuring the highest quality is achieved. Additionally, the Company’s Nano CBD Isolate products use a specialized Nano-Particulizer, a process which creates a pure nano-molecule.

Trace Analytics, Inc.

Trace Analytics Inc., a majority owned subsidiary of Applied, is a leading cannabis science and technology company with significant footprints in lab testing, research and development and licensing. Trace Analytics was started by a group of scientists who specialized in analytical chemistry, genetics and molecular biology. The focus of the team is to ensure compliance with public safety standards and end user safety. Trace Analytics is in the process of expanding throughout the United States, and globally. With the goal of helping the rest of the world adopt “best practices” in cannabis and hemp testing, the Company also provides expert consulting services to legislators and regulators in many countries, states and municipalities around the world.

The Company is actively establishing a global medical and consumer platform and multiple brands through creating a platform to partner and invest in various segments in the consumer industry and establish key exclusive strategic alliances which serve to accomplish the task of becoming the market leader. For more information, please visit:

Upcoming Milestones Expected to Drive Value

  • In-license product candidates to build robust pipeline for the Applied BioPharma division;
  • Explore strategic options for non-dilutive funding with Trace Analytics;
  • Successfully execute overall strategy of the Company and Business Development efforts;
  • Engage with key stakeholders in the investment community and execute on the robust effort to raise awareness of the Company; and
  • Uplist to a National Exchange.

Summary of Financial Results for First Quarter FY2020 Ended June 30, 2019

For the quarter ended June 30, 2019, the Company reported net loss of approximately $423,897 or net loss per diluted share of $0.03, compared to a net loss of approximately $395,501 or a net loss per diluted share of $0.04, for the quarter ended June 30, 2018.

During the three months ended June 30, 2019, revenue from Applied BioSciences’ CBD product lines was $85,740 as compared to $10,434 for the three months ended June 30, 2018. The increase reflects higher sales across all of the Company’s CBD brand product lines, most notably in its topical products, combined with expansion into sales of bulk hemp seed and raw CBD. Service revenue resulting from the Company’s lab testing is attributed solely to the acquisition of Trace Analytics in January 2019, and totaled $125,717 for the three months ended June 30, 2019.

General and administrative expenses increased $236,903 to $444,049 for the three months ended June 30, 2019 as compared to $207,146 for the three months ended June 30, 2018. The increase can be attributed to the acquisition of Trace Analytics, with general and administrative expenses for the remainder of the Company essentially flat compared to the three months ended June 30, 2018.

The Company ended the quarter with $37,940 in cash and cash equivalents. The Company is actively evaluating opportunities to fund continued growth in its products and services revenue along with planned business development activities for Applied BioPharma, and anticipates closing a financing by the end of second quarter Fiscal Year 2020.

About Applied BioSciences Corp.

Applied BioSciences is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics / biopharmaceuticals and delivering high-quality CBD products as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics capabilities to our customers.

Applied BioSciences is focused on, testing and analytics, consumer and OTC brands, and partnership opportunities in the medical, health and wellness, and nutraceuticals.

The Company has several strategic partnerships currently in place and is actively pursuing additional partnerships and other strategic growth opportunities. For more information, visit the Company’s website.

Investors and Media:
[email protected]
(833) 475-8247

CLIENT FEATURE: Applied BioSciences $APPB – Leveraging Science Based Cannabinoid for Future Success $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, August 14th, 2019
  • Key Management appointments, including Raymond W. Urbanski MD, PhD, former business unit Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer Inc., as Chief Executive Officer provides extensive industry leading expertise, strategic focus and discipline on the execution of corporate initiatives
  • Purposefully built strategic business units focused on leveraging science-driven cannabinoid research to address areas of significant unmet needs and access growing markets

Corporate Highlights

  • Renewed strategy focused on leveraging endocannabinoid system to develop high-value products across three separate business units, including:
  • Biopharmaceuticals: goal to develop novel therapeutics to treat serious diseases across a range of therapeutic areas, including metabolic, peripheral neuropathy and progressive lung disease
  • CBD Products: multiple brands offering high-quality CBD products to the highest regulatory standards;
  • Bolstered leadership team with highly qualified individuals including Raymond W. Urbanski MD, PhD, as Chief Executive Officer, former business unit Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer Inc. and well-established industry leading expert with over 20 years of experience in clinical development, research and pharmaceutical industry expertise across oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and immunology;
  • Appointed Martin Schroeder to the Scientific Advisory Board and as President of Applied BioPharma. Mr. Schroeder has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and has helped many biotech and pharmaceutical companies conduct search and evaluation of compounds and molecules;
  • Launched multiple new products and expanded into the Beverage and Health / Wellness category with Remedi Spa and Remedi Beverage and Shot;
  • Commenced discussions regarding proposed scientific trials with two leading Universities specializing in Veterinary Medicine;
  • Announced the acquisition of Trace Analytics with over 65 years of combined experience in the global testing market for Cannabis and Hemp;
  • Partnered with Boxing Heavyweight Champion, Shannon “The Cannon” Briggs to launch Champ Organics, an athlete-focused cannabidiol (“CBD”) based health and wellness supplements product line that enhances training and recovery; and
  • Launched robust business development initiative to build biopharmaceuticals pipeline.

About Applied BioSciences Corp.
Applied BioSciences Corp. (, is a diversified company focused on multiple areas of the medical, bioceutical and pet health industry. As a leading company in the CBD and Pet health space, the company is currently shipping to the majority of US states as well as to 5 International countries.  The company is focused on select investment, consumer brands, and partnership opportunities in the recreational, health and wellness, nutraceutical, and media industries.

About Trace Analytics Inc.
Trace Analytics Inc. is a leading cannabis science and technology company with significant footprints in lab testing, research and development and licensing. Trace Analytics was started by a group of scientists who specialized in analytical chemistry, genetics and molecular biology.  The focus of the team is to ensure compliance with public safety standards and end user safety. Trace Analytics is in the process of expanding throughout the United States, and globally. With the goal of helping the rest of the world adopt “best practices” in cannabis and hemp testing, the company also provides expert consulting services to legislators and regulators in many countries, states and municipalities around the world. For more information, please visit:

Email: [email protected]  or [email protected] Official Website: /


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Link to AppliedBioSciences Hub

FULL DISCLOSURE: Applied BioSciences is an advertising client of AGORA Internet Relations Corp

CLIENT FEATURE: Applied BioSciences $APPB – Leveraging Science Based Cannabinoid for Future Success $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 10:46 AM on Thursday, August 8th, 2019
  • Key Management appointments, including Raymond W. Urbanski MD, PhD, former business unit Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer Inc., as Chief Executive Officer provides extensive industry leading expertise, strategic focus and discipline on the execution of corporate initiatives
  • Purposefully built strategic business units focused on leveraging science-driven cannabinoid research to address areas of significant unmet needs and access growing markets

Corporate Highlights

  • Renewed strategy focused on leveraging endocannabinoid system to develop high-value products across three separate business units, including:
  • Biopharmaceuticals: goal to develop novel therapeutics to treat serious diseases across a range of therapeutic areas, including metabolic, peripheral neuropathy and progressive lung disease
  • CBD Products: multiple brands offering high-quality CBD products to the highest regulatory standards;
  • Bolstered leadership team with highly qualified individuals including Raymond W. Urbanski MD, PhD, as Chief Executive Officer, former business unit Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer Inc. and well-established industry leading expert with over 20 years of experience in clinical development, research and pharmaceutical industry expertise across oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and immunology;
  • Appointed Martin Schroeder to the Scientific Advisory Board and as President of Applied BioPharma. Mr. Schroeder has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and has helped many biotech and pharmaceutical companies conduct search and evaluation of compounds and molecules;
  • Launched multiple new products and expanded into the Beverage and Health / Wellness category with Remedi Spa and Remedi Beverage and Shot;
  • Commenced discussions regarding proposed scientific trials with two leading Universities specializing in Veterinary Medicine;
  • Announced the acquisition of Trace Analytics with over 65 years of combined experience in the global testing market for Cannabis and Hemp;
  • Partnered with Boxing Heavyweight Champion, Shannon “The Cannon” Briggs to launch Champ Organics, an athlete-focused cannabidiol (“CBD”) based health and wellness supplements product line that enhances training and recovery; and
  • Launched robust business development initiative to build biopharmaceuticals pipeline.

About Applied BioSciences Corp.
Applied BioSciences Corp. (, is a diversified company focused on multiple areas of the medical, bioceutical and pet health industry. As a leading company in the CBD and Pet health space, the company is currently shipping to the majority of US states as well as to 5 International countries.  The company is focused on select investment, consumer brands, and partnership opportunities in the recreational, health and wellness, nutraceutical, and media industries.

About Trace Analytics Inc.
Trace Analytics Inc. is a leading cannabis science and technology company with significant footprints in lab testing, research and development and licensing. Trace Analytics was started by a group of scientists who specialized in analytical chemistry, genetics and molecular biology.  The focus of the team is to ensure compliance with public safety standards and end user safety. Trace Analytics is in the process of expanding throughout the United States, and globally. With the goal of helping the rest of the world adopt “best practices” in cannabis and hemp testing, the company also provides expert consulting services to legislators and regulators in many countries, states and municipalities around the world. For more information, please visit:

Email: [email protected]  or [email protected] Official Website: /


Follow us:
Facebook @remedicbd & @HerbalPetMeds
Instagram @remedishop & @herbal_pet
Twitter @remedishop & @herbal_pet

Link to AppliedBioSciences Hub

FULL DISCLOSURE: Applied BioSciences is an advertising client of AGORA Internet Relations Corp

Applied BioSciences $APPB Provides Corporate Update and 2019 Business Outlook $CGRW $ $GBLX $PFE $ $ $ $ $

Posted by AGORACOM at 8:40 AM on Tuesday, July 30th, 2019

Key Management appointments, including Raymond W. Urbanski MD, PhD, former business unit Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer Inc., as Chief Executive Officer provides extensive industry leading expertise, strategic focus and discipline on the execution of corporate initiatives

Purposefully built strategic business units focused on leveraging science-driven cannabinoid research to address areas of significant unmet needs and access growing markets

Multiple expected near-term value driving milestones

BEVERLY HILLS, CA / ACCESSWIRE / July 30, 2019 / Applied BioSciences Corp. (OTCQB:APPB) (“Applied” or the “Company”), a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid biopharmaceuticals and the production of high-quality CBD products, today provided a corporate update and business outlook for the remainder of 2019.

Corporate Highlights

  • Renewed strategy focused on leveraging endocannabinoid system to develop high-value products across three separate business units, including:
  • Biopharmaceuticals: goal to develop novel therapeutics to treat serious diseases across a range of therapeutic areas, including metabolic, peripheral neuropathy and progressive lung disease
  • CBD Products: multiple brands offering high-quality CBD products to the highest regulatory standards;
  • Bolstered leadership team with highly qualified individuals including Raymond W. Urbanski MD, PhD, as Chief Executive Officer, former business unit Chief Medical Officer at Pfizer Inc. and well-established industry leading expert with over 20 years of experience in clinical development, research and pharmaceutical industry expertise across oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and immunology;
  • Appointed Martin Schroeder to the Scientific Advisory Board and as President of Applied BioPharma. Mr. Schroeder has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and has helped many biotech and pharmaceutical companies conduct search and evaluation of compounds and molecules;
  • Launched multiple new products and expanded into the Beverage and Health / Wellness category with Remedi Spa and Remedi Beverage and Shot;
  • Commenced discussions regarding proposed scientific trials with two leading Universities specializing in Veterinary Medicine;
  • Announced the acquisition of Trace Analytics with over 65 years of combined experience in the global testing market for Cannabis and Hemp;
  • Partnered with Boxing Heavyweight Champion, Shannon “The Cannon” Briggs to launch Champ Organics, an athlete-focused cannabidiol (“CBD”) based health and wellness supplements product line that enhances training and recovery; and
  • Launched robust business development initiative to build biopharmaceuticals pipeline.

“Over the course of my academic and pharmaceutical career, I have developed a keen interest in the benefits of cannabinoids and their ability to address a wide range of disease states. I saw a great deal of potential in Applied’s science-based approach to the endocannabinoid system, which ultimately drove me to join at what I believe is a pivotal time in the Company’s history. Now with the right team in place and a renewed focus on our corporate and clinical strategies, I believe we have the potential to drive value for all stakeholders and impact areas of significant unmet need in established and rapidly growing markets,” commented Dr. Raymond Urbanski, Chief Executive Officer. “As we look towards the rest of 2019, we remain focused on the critical importance of taking the necessary steps to build a solid foundation from which we can launch future expansion and growth. With all our strategic approaches in place, we believe we are well-positioned to unlock the full potential of Applied BioSciences.”

Applied BioPharma

The Applied BioPharma business unit is focused on the development and commercialization of novel therapeutics to treat serious diseases by leveraging industry leading pipeline of endocannabinoid system-targeted drug candidates.

The Company is actively seeking in-license opportunities with the goal of developing an industry leading pipeline of endocannabinoid system-targeted drug candidates that address significant unmet needs across a wide range of therapeutic areas. The Applied management team expects to announce at least one in-licensing agreement before year end.

Applied Products

The Applied Products business unit currently consists of eight different brands of hemp-derived, THC-free, pharmaceutical grade CBD isolates and distribution products, all of which ship to the majority of U.S., as well as to multiple non-US countries. The Company’s portfolio currently includes consumer, animal health, women’s health and sports medicine products.

Applied Products operates under a differentiated approach to quality and regulatory practices within the industry, which it believes well-positions them to be leaders in the market and access the significant opportunity for revenue generation. All CBD products utilize the most proven and effective production methods to ensure the highest quality output. The Company’s Full Spectrum products are made using CO2 Extraction, which allows for the proper retention of cannabinoids and terpenes vs a distillate, and a winterization process. Applied’s THC Free products are CBD Isolate infused. This isolation process leaves behind pure pharmaceutical grade CBD only, ensuring the highest quality is achieved. Additionally, the Company’s Nano CBD Isolate products use a specialized Nano-Particulizer, a process which creates a pure nano-molecule.

“The CBD industry continues to be of great interest among the medical and investment community. We have seen rapid growth and continue to witness advancements in the space, however current products on the market are not high quality or are not actually what the label claims them to be. Our team sees room for significant improvement and believe we have a competitive advantage by offering high-quality products through our differentiated approach,” said Scott Stevens, Founder and Chairman of the Board.

Trace Analytics, Inc.

Trace Analytics Inc., a majority owned subsidiary of Applied, is a leading cannabis science and technology company with significant footprints in lab testing, research and development and licensing. Trace Analytics was started by a group of scientists who specialized in analytical chemistry, genetics and molecular biology. The focus of the team is to ensure compliance with public safety standards and end user safety. Trace Analytics is in the process of expanding throughout the United States, and globally. With the goal of helping the rest of the world adopt “best practices” in cannabis and hemp testing, the company also provides expert consulting services to legislators and regulators in many countries, states and municipalities around the world.

The Company is actively establishing a global medical and consumer platform and multiple brands through creating a platform to partner and invest in various segments in the consumer industry and establish key exclusive strategic alliances which serve to accomplish the task of becoming the market leader. For more information, please visit:

Upcoming Milestones Expected to Drive Value

  • In-license product candidates to build robust pipeline for the Applied BioPharma division;
  • Explore strategic options for non-dilutive funding with Trace Analytics;
  • Successfully execute overall strategy of the Company and Business Development efforts;
  • Engage with key stakeholders in the investment community and execute on the robust effort to raise awareness of the Company; and
  • Uplist to a National Exchange.

Dr. Urbanski concluded, “Our priority moving forward is to successfully execute our corporate strategy. We continue to make significant steps to raise the awareness of the Company with multiple stakeholders in the investment community as well as a number of strategic partners. Additionally, we have embarked on a formalized investor relations and corporate communications strategy to continue building off the momentum and firmly believe this will provide us with the opportunity to enhance the profile of Applied BioSciences and ultimately position us to uplist to a National Exchange. We look forward to continue providing you with updates as we execute our strategies in place.”

About Applied BioSciences Corp.

Applied BioSciences is a vertically integrated company focused on the development of science-driven cannabinoid therapeutics / biopharmaceuticals and delivering high-quality CBD products as well as state-of-the-art testing and analytics capabilities to our customers.

Applied BioSciences is focused on, testing and analytics, consumer and OTC brands, and partnership opportunities in the medical, health and wellness, and nutraceuticals. The Company has several strategic partnerships currently in place and is actively pursuing additional partnerships and other strategic growth opportunities. For more information, visit the Company’s website.

Investor and Media Contact:

[email protected]
(833) 475-8247

SOURCE: Applied BioSciences Corp.