I’ve always hoped that, prior to departing this life, I would be remembered for a quote that shook the ground beneath everyone who read it. For example, Sir Winston Churchill said:
“A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril”
Until last week, I could only dream of having just one of my quotes remembered for time eternal. Well, that dream has now turned into a reality thanks to Jimmy Guterman of O’Reilly Radar (NOT Bill from Fox but Tim of Web 2.0 fame) who found me worthy of being quoted in his blog post Money:Tech Day 1: Best Lines as follows (please sit down or hold onto something stable):
“Investors want a community. But they want a civil community.”
BAM! This is Richter Scale stuff … and I said it.
Ghandi, Dr. King, Churchill, Jeff Spicoli…make room for the new kid in town.
Strike off one big item from my bucket list. I’m off to Loch Ness.