Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox will hold a news conference at the SEC on Tuesday, August 19 at 11 a.m. ET to unveil the information disclosure system of the future for SEC filings to help investors increasingly understand and compare financial information from companies and mutual funds when making their investment decisions.
You can participate in this historic conference via the SEC website.
We’ll be on the conference call and will provide an update here.
There is very little information available at this time but IR Web Report believes one bit of information was leaked to the Washington Post. Specifically, EDGAR is to be replaced by an XBRL-based platform called IDEA, short for Interactive Data Electronic Applications.
In addition to recent news about websites and blogs being Reg FD compliant, these are exciting times for the entire disclosure system.
Thanks, Dominic. Means a lot coming from the IR Guru! People thought I was crazy to walk away from both law and a successful family business to follow this “internet thing” … but it was clear as day to me that IR via phones and e-mail was going to go the way of the dodo bird.
Glad to see that day is now quickly approaching and that we’re already positioned for it.
Hi George,
“these are exciting times for the entire disclosure system.” They sure are. Been a long time coming for those like you who have been pioneering in this area.