Agoracom Blog

Canada Hires High-Profile Litigator To Evaluate Proposed Google-Yahoo Ad Partnership (Monopoly)

Posted by AGORACOM at 9:42 AM on Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

The Canadian Department of Justice has retained David Kent, a litigator and antitrust expert in private practice with Toronto-based McMillan LLP, to review the proposed partnership between Yahoo and Google. You can read the full article here.

Speaking on behalf of AGORACOM, our clients, their shareholders and the entire small-cap industry, we urge Mr. Kent and the CDJ to prevent the advertising partnership between Google and Yahoo, as it would significantly decrease competition within search engine marketing, leading to unnecessary higher prices.

Our position is widely supported including, for example, the World Federation of Advertisers that have expressed concerns that the deal will hand Google too much influence over the search-advertising market, which could result in higher prices and fewer options for advertisers.

In addition, leading tech blog – TechCrunch – recently published “Yahoo, We Can’t Afford A Monopoly Even If It Kills You”, which outlines in detail the significant monopoly creating risks of any such partnership.

We love Google.  We love Yahoo.  We don’t love Goohoo.


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