Twitter is a real-time, super fast short messaging service that allows users to communicate over multiple networks and devices. Chances are you’ve heard the term “Twitter” in 2008 but don’t know what it means or what implications it could have on your business. Admittedly, when it first launched, I dismissed it as a tool for kids to provide each other with social updates.
However, within short order, it was clear that Twitter was becoming a serious communications and networking tool. For example, Wikipedia lists the following prominent users and uses of Twitter:
- Large Businesses such as Cisco Systems, Jet Blue, Sun Microsystems and Whole Foods Market use Twitter to provide product or service information.
- The Los Angeles Fire Department put the technology to use during the October 2007 California wildfires.
- NASA used Twitter to break the news of the discovery of what appeared to be water ice on Mars by the Phoenix Mars Lander. Other NASA projects, such as Space Shuttle missions and the International Space Station, also provide updates via Twitter.
- News sources such as the BBC, NPR, and other outlets have also started using Twitter to disseminate breaking news or provide information feeds for sporting events.
- Several 2008 U.S. presidential campaigns used Twitter as a publicity mechanism, including that of Democratic Party nominee and president-elect Barack Obama.
- A variety of U.S. universities are now using Twitter to relay information to students, including emergency safety alerts.
- 10 Downing Street, the website of the British Prime Minister, has started using Twitter.
- The use of Twitter by victims, bystanders, and the public to gather news and coordinate responses to the November 2008 Mumbai siege lead CNN to call it “the day that social media appeared to come of age.”
I entered 2008 unsure about Twitter but after attending The Mesh Conference and finally being pushed over the edge by Jen Evans, the moderator of the panel I sat on, I decided my time had come. More than curiosity, I had an obligation to AGORACOM clients and the entire small-cap space to put Twitter through its paces.
I’m hooked – and like anything you become passionate about – I’ve worked hard at it and generated significant benefits, including faster market intelligence and great networking. AGORACOM clients can expect to see me pass those benefits on to them very early in 2009.
In the meantime, I’m happy to announce that AGORACOM’s Twitter authority ranks amongst the top 3.5% of all users as of this date (see ranking below).  Hopefully, we can continue to increase our ranking and authority in 2009 by increasing the quality and quantity of our contributions to the community.
[…] Third, we are now in the process of using those feeds to power a separate Twitter account for each one of our clients. For those of you who aren’t quite sure what Twitter is, here is a recent post of mine. […]