Agoracom Blog

VMS Ventures (VMS: TSXV) Joins And Strengthens The AGORACOM 100

Posted by AGORACOM at 7:59 PM on Thursday, January 29th, 2009

Custom dictates that service providers give praise and thanks to new clients for hiring and entrusting them with critical company responsibilities.  New clients, on the other hand, ordinarily reserve judgment until the vendor actually delivers a job well done – and even then may remain reserved 🙂

The leadership of VMS Ventures is anything but ordinary.

This afternoon, the Company issued a press release announcing it had retained AGORACOM to provide online investor relations services and that it had joined The AGORACOM 100.  Par for the course.

However, a couple of hours later, the Company did something that speaks volumes about the leadership qualities of VMS – qualities that are just as, if not more, important than fundamentals on the ground.  Qualities that differentiate great small-cap companies from ordinary ones.  CEO Rick Mark sent the following message out to investors via e-mail:

True, I am absolutely floored by Rick’s kind words and will take this opportunity to thank him deeply.  However, I’m even more impressed by the fact that he took the time to communicate to investors how long and seriously he contemplated this step prior to making his decision – and now that the decision has been made, is calling on shareholders to act.

If that isn’t great leadership, I don’t know what is.  The AGORACOM 100 just became a whole lot stronger and I urge readers to visit the VMS IR HUB for all the details.

Onward and upward.


2 Responses to “VMS Ventures (VMS: TSXV) Joins And Strengthens The AGORACOM 100”

  1. AGORACOM says:

    Hey, Snug. Check your Private Messages for an e-mail address.



  2. Glenn Lindsey says:


    Rick Mark clearly understands the power of the internet and Agoracom.

    I would like to send along another suggestion to Agoracom with the inclusion of some screen captures from an interesting web session this past week which I was part of. Is there another Agoracom email address I could use versus responding the the Blog?

    Glenn Lindsey