Agoracom Blog

Small-Cap CEO Lesson: Obama Calls On Blogger In First Press Conference

Posted by AGORACOM at 3:55 AM on Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

“AT his first press conference Monday night, US President Barack Obama made
history at 8:52 pm ET by calling on blogger Sam Stein of the Huffington Post
to be among only 14 reporters to ask a question.”

Dominic Jones
IR Web Report
Time To Open Up Your Earnings Calls To Bloggers

President Obama’s recognition of bloggers as a primary source of information, is a massive wake-up call to small-cap CEO’s and investor relations officers.  If you continue to believe that mainstream traditional media outlets are your only target market for mass communications, then you are missing out on what is arguably the better, faster and farther reaching way to get your message out to investors – the blogosphere.

Actually, the blogosphere is far too limiting of a term – but I haven’t thought of one that best encapsulates blogs, micro-blogs and online financial communities.  For now, let’s not worry about that because the important thing is to understand that a bigger, faster, more targeted reporting system is growing every single day – and it is never going to look back.

More than just lipservice, Dominic Jones summarizes this point perfectly in his following excerpt:



65% ….. 65%.! That is a huge number – and I guarantee you it is only going to get bigger with every passing year.  That is good news for small-cap companies that have embraced Web 2.0 – but for the majority that don’t understand the phrase “independent non-broker research sources” …. you’re in trouble.


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