First VMS 43-101 Resource Shows More Than 1 Million Ounces of Gold at La Mancha’s Hassai Property
La Mancha is an AGORACOM client, so assume that I am horribly conflicted and do your own due diligence. I personally love to see 43-101 news from anybody, not just AGORACOM clients, because it is a strict guideline for how public companies can disclose scientific and technical information about mineral projects on bourses supervised by the Canadian Securities Administrators. Â In short, it makes it near impossible to sprinkle gold on your property and pull of a scam.
Here are some of the highlights of today’s release, which you should also read in its entirety.
- 1,006,000 ounces of gold (402,400 oz attributable to La Mancha)
- 297,000 tonnes of copper (118,800 tonnes attributable to La Mancha)
- Confirmation of an enriched supergene zone at the top of the structure
- Resource remains open at depth
- La Mancha reaffirms its target of growing its consolidated M&I resources to 4 million ounces of gold within the next few years
The Hassai mine is located in the Red Sea Hills desert of northeastern Sudan, some 450 km from Khartoum. Inaugurated in 1992, it is Sudan’s first and only gold mine in production. Twelve pits have been mined over the years, generating a cumulative production of more than 2.1 million ounces of gold. La Mancha owns 40% of the mine through a subsidiary and is the mine operator. The Hassai exploration licenses effectively encompass the entire geological district that extends over 24,000 square kilometres. The Hassai mine exploration budget is expected to reach $6.44 million in 2009 ($2.57 million attributable to La Mancha), distributed among several gold targets (quartz, SBR and tailings) and VMS targets.
Click here to view release in its entirety.
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