Good afternoon to you all and hope you’re preparing for a great weekend. Please find enclosed our next installment of Money, Markets and Life With Grandich and George . We covered some great topics in just 20 minutes including:
- China’s massive gold imports in 2008
- How Grandich reconciles higher US interest rates AND higher gold
- Answering a ton of questions posted by you earlier today on the blog, including but not limited to:
- Why didn’t Grandich double-dip by riding the “melt-up” and then ride it down
- Capital preservation strategies for retired investors
- Continental Minerals, Formation Capital and others
- Gold
- Copper
- How both New York football teams fared last week 🙂
- An apology to my dentist’s wife for having to wait for our show to be over before he’ll come to bed. Sorry Christine!!
Without further adieu, here is this week’s show.
For those of you whose Flash player isn’t up to snuff, here’s the MP3:
For those of you who want to download the show automatically, it has now been approved by Apple and available for download via iTunes. In addition, the show has it’s own podcast section on The latter also contains an RSS feed for those of you that want to syndicate the show on your site.
Have a great weekend and looking forward to your comments.