Agoracom Blog

Jim Letourneau – Workshop Presentation #1: Do You Believe We Are Running Out Of Oil? Jim Says …. No.

Posted by AGORACOM at 4:25 PM on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009


Please find enclosed our first of two workshop presentations for The AGORACOM Online Gold & Commodities Conference.  Jim Letourneau is the founder and editor of The Big Picture Speculator and is presenting his ideas on the entire concept of “peak oil”.  He simply believes we have more than enough oil and there will be plenty of money to be made from the oil industry – to the tune of 6 – 10 Trillion barrels of oil.  Given the fact we’ve only used 1.2 trillion barrels in the entire human existence, Jim thinks we’re sooner to get priced out of oil than to run out of it.

This is an awesome presentation.  Jim has an excellent delivery, is extremely confident when making his points and backs it up with some great data.

Please click on the image below to launch the presentation in a new browser window. The presentation will not launch prior to 4:30 PM EST. Upon completion of the interview, close the window and return here to post your questions and comments. To do so, please click on the “Comments” button at the bottom of this post.

UPDATE 5:12 PM EST: Our apologies to Jim and people tuning in to hear his presentation.  We used the wrong link.  It’s now been repaired.  Thanks.

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Jim Letourneau - Opening Slide



Jim Letourneau, P.Geol. is an inspiring speaker, geologist, investment newsletter editor and communications specialist living in Calgary, Alberta.  He has created a powerful social media web that integrates the power of Facebook, Twitter, a 5200 person email list, and his blog. He routinely makes the Facebook and Twitter Elite lists.

Jim frequently conducts property visits as part of his due diligence and he has toured mining and exploration projects in many parts of the world. He regularly meets with oil and gas executives in Calgary, Canada.

With the unique perspective of geologist and investor, his expertise is sought all over the world. Jim has served as an expert witness in front of the Canada’s National Energy Board and he’s frequently quoted and interviewed in national media including CBC, CNBC, Resource World Magazine, Business in Calgary Magazine, The Korelin Economics Report,,, and

Jim has received several professional awards including:

  • Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Link Award – 2005
    • Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Tracks Award – 1995

You can follow his free public commentary via his blog or Twitter


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9 Responses to “Jim Letourneau – Workshop Presentation #1: Do You Believe We Are Running Out Of Oil? Jim Says …. No.”

  1. Robert C.

    GNZ hasn’t created much value over the last 3 years but management is stepping up. They need to close a private placement.

  2. AGORACOM says:

    Jim, great presentation. With respect to your comments above on coal, you should have a look at one of your fellow presenters and see what he had to say about coal:

    Gregor Macdonald – Keynote Presentation. Coal World: Will Energy Transition Deliver Us to a World of Green Energy, or Return us to a World of Coal?


  3. Robert C says:

    Great presentation Mr. Letourneau! Really informative and refreshing!!
    I have shares in Goldnev Resourses on the Venture Exchange – This junior oil company has a huge (2 billion barrels) shale oil property at Pasquia Hills, Sask., and I am woundering if you see a possibility of this company developing this resourse to production in these hard financial times.
    Again, Great presentation Mr. Letourneau. Thanks. Robert C.

  4. Here’s an example I didn’t use as it is new…

    InterOil Corp. sets a record for a vertical gas well DST @ 705 MMcf/d of gas and 11,000 b/d of condensate!

    Read more:

  5. Rocky:

    Had not heard of ATK but I like their strategy.

  6. Mike:

    Natural gas pollutes less than oil which pollutes less than coal. We’re going to be using them for the foreseeable future… until a (potentially unforeseen) technology advance replaces them.

  7. rocky says:

    hi jim, thanks for the great presentation! was wondering if you have heard of ATK (sean kehoe, ceo of longbow before bought out) anyways they got into a farm-in deal with triaxon and then trixon was just bought out by cresent point! drilling starting right away seems very under valued with a great team in ATK! thoughts?

    oh yeah “drill baby drill” lol


  8. Mike says:

    I’m sorry, I really can’t take people serious that make such claims. First, oil will run out sooner or later. But that should not be the focus. Goal should be to get off of it due to learnt issues, such as pollution, etc.

    Message to those who are for “drill baby drill” stop being lazy and greedy!!!

    And, for those who don’t believe in global warming, AKA “Climate Change”, please try the following experiment. Go lock yourself in an air tight room without any plants and describe what happens.

    Please use common sense and be less egotistical. Thanks!