Agoracom Blog

Jean Francois Tardif – Keynote Presentation: The Upcoming Multi-Year Cycle Of Inflation vs. Deflation

Posted by AGORACOM at 7:52 AM on Friday, December 4th, 2009


Please find enclosed the opening keynote presentation on the 2nd day of The AGORACOM Online Gold & Commodities Conference. Jean Francois (“JF”) Tardif , the retired superstar Hedge Fund Manager goes in-depth in an interview with me to discuss The Upcoming Multi-Year Cycle Of Inflation vs. Deflation. JF believes the next 5 years are going to be extremely profitable for traders but a losing game for buy and hold investors.

Tardif, as always, applies arguments and facts that helped him deliver some of the best and consistent hedge-fund results on the continent over the past decade, including a blistering average annual return of 21 per cent for the five year period ended April 30, 2009.

Please click on the image below to launch the presentation in a new browser window. The presentation will not launch prior to 8:30 AM EST. Upon completion of the interview, close the window and return here to post your questions and comments. To do so, please click on the “Comments” button at the bottom of this post.

CONFERENCE LINKS: Home PagePresenting CompaniesKeynote SpeakersConference Schedule

JF Opening Slide



Prior to his retirement in June 2009, Jean-François Tardif was the Lead Portfolio Manager for the Sprott Opportunities Hedge Fund LP, Sprott Opportunities RSP Fund and Sprott Opportunities Offshore Fund with combined assets over US$450 million.

In 2007, Mr. Tardif was recognized at the HFM Week’s US Performance Awards Ceremony as the Best Canada-Based Hedge Fund Manager and was nominated for the Best Long/Short Hedge Fund Manager award. In addition, Barron’s ranked his Sprott Opportunities Fund as the #18 Hedge Fund on the planet.

In 2007 and 2008, he won Globe Investor’s My One and Only stock-picking contest in both 2007 and 2008.

For the five year ended April 30, 2009, his Sprott Opportunities Hedge Fund posted a blistering average annual return of 21 per cent

Mr. Tardif has been frequently interviewed and quoted on the AGORACOM Blog where many investors benefited from heeding his advice concerning the effects of deleveraging. We are very pleased to have him back for our conference.

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10 Responses to “Jean Francois Tardif – Keynote Presentation: The Upcoming Multi-Year Cycle Of Inflation vs. Deflation”

  1. […] Canadian hedge fund manager (retired), Jean-Francois Tardif made a very interesting analogy concerning inflation and deflation in his recent Agoracom conference presentation. […]

  2. Kelly says:

    JF is awesome! He is such a great analyst. I have been following him since I first heard him on Business Channel and he is such a smart and honest guy. Great interview!

  3. Jean-Francois Tardif says:

    In response to Maureen:

    Thanks for your kind words. Although I’m retired from active work, I continue to follow the markets as it is something I love to do. I wish I could give you some names of people that think like me but I haven’t found one yet. Nonetheless, there are tons of brilliant people out there. Wishing you a high return for 2010!


    In response to Pierre:

    Most agriculture stocks have rallied too much in my opinion. But over the long term, the fertilizers should be included in a small basket and the equipment and service companies. I would also avoid the junior companies with no profit as the financing of any new projects is very risky therefore those stocks carry too much risk for a buy and hold strategy)


  4. AGORACOM says:

    Thanks to the @financetrends for his blog post about JF’s presentation. Here’s an excerpt + a link to the rest:

    Canadian hedge fund manager (retired), Jean-Francois Tardif made a very interesting analogy concerning inflation and deflation in his recent Agoracom conference presentation.

    If you happened to check in with us on Monday, you’ll know that we found some worthwhile presentations in this online conference archive…..


  5. AGORACOM says:

    Thanks to Phil Pearlman from StockTwits for this post via StockTwits:

    @ppearlman nice blog post by @financetrends sums up & points to must listen interview from the @Agoracom Conf $$

  6. AGORACOM says:

    Thanks to Brad for this great feedback:

    Brad says:
    December 16, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    Hello – I love the Money, Markets and Life show and from what I have seen the online conference was awesome as well. JF Tardif and Peter Grandich were fascinating. Will the presentations be available in podcast? I hope that they will be. Thanks, Brad

  7. […] via Jean Francois Tardif – Keynote Presentation: The Upcoming Multi-Year Cycle Of Inflation vs. Deflat…. […]

  8. pierre says:

    mr Jean Francois Tardif
    great presentation ; any suggestions how one could play the agriculture sector thanks Pierre

  9. susan says:

    George, this was great….I learned a new way of thinking here with Jean’s analysis. I was always thinking of either deflation or inflation winning but he talks about it in terms of cycles so in essence if he is right, we can expect both for the next few years which will flavor how we invest to stay afloat.

  10. maureen leunes says:

    Jean Francois, Thanks so much for taking the time to give your presentation, I found it very informative and helpful.
    Do you have any plans to be available in the future to investors like me, or is retirement the only thing you are focusing on for the future.
    If you are not getting back in would you recommend any one or more persons who think like yourself.
    Look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you.