AGORACOM Client – Evolving Gold Intersects 115 meters of 1.35 gpt Gold at their Rattlesnake Hills, WY Project.
Drill results for the North Stock target continue to define a main zone of gold mineralization along the southern boundary of the diatreme with long intersections of continuous gold mineralization which contain intervals with grades in excess of 5.0 gpt Au, consistent with results previously reported for this target.
Highlights include:
- DDH RSC-070 - 115.8 meters at 1.35 gpt Au (380 ft at 0.039 opt), including 30.5 meters at 2.65 gpt Au (100 ft at 0.077 opt), which also includes 9.1 meters at 6.42 gpt Au (30 ft at 0.187 opt). - DDH RSC-056 - 117.4 meters at 1.20 gpt Au (385 ft at 0.035 opt), including 64.0 meters at 1.71 gpt Au (210 ft at 0.050 opt), which also includes 9.1 meters at 4.25 gpt Au (30 ft at 0.124 opt). - DDH RSC-053 - 53.4 meters at 1.42 gpt Au (175 ft at 0.041 opt), including 27.4 meters at 2.41 gpt Au (90 ft at 0.070 opt). RSC-053 also intersected mineralized porphyry at depth (205.8 meters, 675.2 ft) south of the diatreme, which returned 9.1 meters at 6.42 gpt Au (30 ft at 0.187 opt). - DDH RSC-056 and RSC-070 demonstrate extension of higher gold grades at North Stock to depths of at least 250 meters (820 feet).
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Evolving Gold Corp. is a client of AGORACOM