Image Courtesy Of http://school.discoveryeducation.com/
I want to take this opportunity to thank our members for the great support they have shown over the past few days. We’ve been keeping track of many comments via our del.icio.us account and invite you to see the testimonials here.  for the lazy linkers out there, here are just a few:
“Agoracom has provided a much needed service. It has allowed knowledgeable responders/investors the forum to share fact based additional information. It all helps us retailers to better understand what the companies press releases mean. best wishes to continued success at Agoracom.”
“The truth is that power serves it own ends and businesses are not democracies. But they benefit from opening ownership up to a public that thinks shareholding is a form of business democracy. You and your members actually demonstrated that principle a couple of times and clearly those in power didn’t like it. To them it is supposed to be a democracy in name only.”
“I believe Agoracom is the best investing tool i’ve ever come across . The voice of such a large number of retail investor from all walks of life from around the world makes this place the most open voice to engage in reflection on my placement and gives me a better view of the value of the stocks i invest in.”
In addition, we’ve received great support from clients, CEO’s of other companies and consultants who have called, texted and e-mailed us over the past few days.  Here are just a couple of great comments:
“Hey, bro. I have no doubt you’ll come out the other end OK. You’re one of the good guys.”
“George you keep up the good work. you are not doing anything wrong by helping investors sift thru all the noise out there, you are the Canadian online version of CNBC. we need you to help us determine which companies are using online tools to speak with shareholder and or media. Keep providing us with a great forum to speak with the companies we are investing in. Thank-you – we support you.“
From Vancouver and as far away as Mexico, CEO’s have called in to voice their support and remind us how important AGORACOM is to the small-cap industry.
Despite being restricted as to how much we could say (and we want to say a lot), investors and industry participants understand what we have built together and have chosen to stand behind us until we’ve had our day in court. That’s all we’re asking for, so we thank you for that.
As always, if you want to track posts about this specific matter, we’ve created a specific category that you can bookmark and follow http://blog.agoracom/category/osc
Hey, thanks Agoracom for providing such a great forum template to have intelligent stock conversations.
I am sure its no easy task to be all things to all people so I just wanted to send my support during these times of trial (no, not necessarily the legal one, wink). There is no perfect forum out there because you are dealing with human nature…which, as we all know, is far from perfect. Your ability to balance a good business model with a much needed and organized (did I mention, even Free!) discussion platform speaks volumes. Most likely, your new (and might I say, revolutionary) “IP Check” tool will restore investor confidence in your Community and also serve as a reliable verification feature for those of us who spend so (too) many hours posting our thoughts here.
Good Luck!!/Bonne Chance!!
Crowlee {