Follow Breaking Small-Cap Info Via AGORACOM Twitter. Over 1,200 Followers and Growing.
You’ve heard and seen “Twitter” mentioned so many times that you may have started hating that little bird. I don’t blame you. Every news outlet and business show has jumped on the Twitter bandwagon without explaining its’ value.
AGORACOM is here to tell you that Twitter is one of the best market intelligence tools ever created. Why? We don’t care what celebrities and athletes have to say on Twitter – but we do care about what the smartest business minds have to say and that has translated into significant profits to our bottom line.
As such, I strongly recommend you begin using Twitter to become a better investor. It takes less than 2-minutes to register and get going. Here are 3-steps you should take right now:
- Register for Twitter If you’re an AGORACOM Member, use the same username (if available) for continuity
- Make AGORACOM Your First “Follow”
- Follow The Smart Stock Market Traders That We Follow
That’s it, simple as that. Now you’ve got a great stream of market information from very smart people to incorporate into your investing decisions.
If you still need a more compelling reason to begin using Twitter, then you should watch our 5-Minute Video
Follow AGORACOM on Twitter now!
George Tsiolis
Founder and CEO