Agoracom Blog

Webcast: Why Facebook Investor Relations Will Fail You

Posted by AGORACOM at 7:07 AM on Thursday, March 17th, 2011

I love Facebook.  I am on Facebook.  It has done wonders for helping me maintain relationships with the hundreds of people in my life that I don’t have time to see and speak to on a regular basis.  AGORACOM is on Facebook.  We have 488 fans and it is a great way for our members or other investors on Facebook to get our info into their feed.

Facebook is a phenomenon unlike any other I have seen – and I look forward to being a part of it for years to come.

But relying on Facebook as your primary online investor relations destination is a recipe for disaster.  Contrary to what Social Media IR Experts (aka “Pretenders”) will tell you, Facebook IR will fail you.

To find out the many reasons why – and how I put my money where my mouth is – watch the presentation I gave at IR Conference 2011 in Vancouver on January 21.  It was the anchor presentation and feedback from the audience of small-cap public companies was tremendous.  I opened their eyes and know it will do the same for you.

The good news is that Facebook done correctly can be a big boost to your online investor relations campaign.  Look for that presentation to come out in about a month, or feel free to contact me at [email protected] to discuss sooner.


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