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UPDATE – MARCH 26, 2011:Â Ignatieff Will Crumble Because Canada’s Economy Is The Envy Of The World
UPDATE – MAY 2, 2011 10:42 PM EST … CTV Calls Conservative Majority 18 Minutes Before 0:00:00:00 … Sorry I Was Off By 18 Minutes 🙂
Michael Ignatieff, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, has forced Canada into yet another election – our 4th in 7 years. He led opposition parties in toppling Canada’s Conservative Party government by passing a “non-confidence” motion on March 25th, after rejecting a March 22nd budget on the grounds the Conservative Government mismanaged the economy.
Except for 156 members of Parliament on Friday, few if any other Canadians agreed with Ignatieff et al. Even staunch Liberal supporting friends of mine are quite pleased with the Conservative Party’s handling of the economy in a financial crisis riddled world where the United States, the U.K. and Europe are running too cold, while China runs too hot.
Our economy and our banks are the envy of the entire world. More than just lip service, the following excerpt is from Business Week:
Canada’s economy is the fastest growing with the lowest deficits among Group of Seven nations. The currency has been the strongest in the G-7 over the past two years. Government bonds have returned 5.1 percent over the past year as of March 24, compared with a 3.1 percent average for the G-7. Canada’s benchmark S&P/TSX Composite Index has risen 17.4 percent over the past 12 months, compared with a 12.6 percent gain for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Yet, Ignatieff et al want Canadians to believe they could have somehow done it better. To prove it, they are willing to see Canada without a government for 36 days and have taxpayers pay over $300 million for an election they don’t want.
Short of a catastrophic, unforeseen political event, Ignatieff is guaranteed to lose as things stand now and may even hand the Conservatives a majority government in the process.
Stay tuned for further updates and looking forward to your comments.
[…] infamous Michael Ignatieff Political Career Death Clock accurately predicted the demise of the Liberal Party within 18 […]
Tucker, thanks for chiming into the blog. I should point out that YOU live in Ignatieff’s riding and are pretty much single-handedly responsible for him losing his seat 🙂
Thanks for the Babe Ruth analogy. I really feel strongly that, if you are going to blog, then you have to take a position. Gloat when you win and admit when you are wrong. No point in me saying “he could win, he could lose”.
On this specific topic of Ignatieff calling the election, it was clear as day to me that he was dead out of the gate. To this day, I still don’t know what his platform provided Canadians in order for them to change governments. We have learned time and again that citizens care about their jobs and welfare of their families. As far as I could see, everyone was pretty happy.
Trust me, if Harper wasn’t taking care of the economy, I’d be the first to get him in line or help get him out.
Re-enter politics? I hope I never have to due to a stable economy for years to come … but if I make the move, you’re my Finance Minister!
The Greek
George, outstanding work. I equate this blog post to Babe Ruth pointing to left field with his bat before stepping up to the plate and bombing a home run out of the park.
Perhaps it’s time for you to re-enter politics? I’ll be the first one to pound the pavement on your campaign trail.
“But there is one undeniable fact in all this. It was a LIBERAL government that actually fixed our fiscal basket case and put us on the road to prosperity. Conservatives always talk the talk – they just don’t walk the walk.”
Klaus, you might remember that previous to Liberal and NDP yelling and screeming about the economic downturn, the conservatives were very much against deficit spending. They were then accused of undemocratic behaviour/not working co-operatively/basically just being assholes.
So the conservatives said fine, they would go alittle into deficit spending. At which point the liberals and the NDP started screeming about how the conservatives were squandering the surpluses that the previous liberal government had given them/were putting Canada into a debt that it couldn’t afford/etc.
Klaus, do you recall how the liberal governments managed to cut into the debt? They used the DND as their own personal piggybank and slashed it so hard that close to two decades later, the armed forces still haven’t recovered. They also wasted 500million dollars in one stroke of a pen (J.C saying “I will write down ZERO helicopters”) which subsiquently cost Canada billions more later when we basically bought the same helo’s, but at prices that had been inflating for 2 decades.
“almost every democracy in the world today works on the basis of consensus within a minority framework. It is time we accepted that majority government is hard to achieve in Canada and likely not the best government particularly from a fiscal perspective.”
AGORACOM, so you’re telling me that it’s easier to make decisions about fiscal matters when you have a coalition of voices (that all have different and competeing goals) that need to agree?
Yes, Phedime. The CPC was defeated because to the Opposition (such that it is) thought they weren’t being forthright with the spending estimates for the G8 and the G20 summits.
However, Liberals seem to have a pretty short memory, because they have apparently forgotten about the time they said the gun registry was going to cost $2 million, and it ended up costing +$2 billion.
C’mon guys, let’s get this straight – the CPC was defeated on a vote of non-confidence based on contempt of Parliament issues, and not on the budget!!!
Do you not remember the USA meltdown? It was all over the news. Harper made it public knowledge that he would invest in a stimulus pkg and that pkg is just now, starting to pay off. And here comes Ignatieff, forcing yet another election. Why? Look it up, his hidden agenda is finally revealed. The real reason he returned to Canada. Ignatieff’s Liberal Platform reveals CAP & TRADE!!! Yep, Ignatieff is Al Gore’s crony & came up here to sell us out to CAP & TRADE! Ignatieff pushed McGuinty to force these damn DIRTY GREEN EXPENSIVE ENERGY scams down our throats, and now, it’s Ignatieff’s turn to ram the CAP & TRADE down ours.
Who’s side are you on Klaus? Certainly it cannot be the Canadian taxpayers. What’s in it for you to sell us out? btw: the NDP’s are also plugging the CAP & TRADE! HARPER IS NOT!
Ignatieff’s platform:
Scroll down in the link below to read his full list of platform promises.
– Creation of a cap-and-trade system that would be compatible with the U.S. system, cover all industries and allow credits to be traded in international markets;
Read more: http://www.canada.com/Ignatieff+releases+details+slash+deficit+plan/4549823/story.html#ixzz1ITDbD1En
youtube video: Cap and Trade Explained (in plain old English)
William Hill – I agree with much of your post. It’s easy to talk about Trudeau’s debt, Mulrony’s debt, etc.
But there is one undeniable fact in all this. It was a LIBERAL government that actually fixed our fiscal basket case and put us on the road to prosperity. Conservatives always talk the talk – they just don’t walk the walk.
The issue is that we are into another election because we don’t have fixed election dates that are unaffected by votes of non-confidence. So parties do not have to seek consensus and get on with governing the country – almost every democracy in the world today works on the basis of consensus within a minority framework. It is time we accepted that majority government is hard to achieve in Canada and likely not the best government particularly from a fiscal perspective.
William, bravo! Very well said.
I find the political partisanship amusing on both sides along with the revisionist history. The fact is all political parties spend money for political gain because their electorate are addicted to their spending promises and constantly believe the rhetoric of the politicians. Yes Trudeau ran up the debt to unprecedented levels, Brian Mulruney although campaining on fiscal prudence and tax cuts continued the spending and introduced the GST, Jean Chretien campaigned against the GST (sort of)then used it to eliminate the deficit, Stephen Harper criticized the government for large unbudgeted surpluses and reckless spending and then contrary to every economists’ advise cut the GST and failed to recognize the world financial crisis and then at the urging of the other parties implemented the current stimulus package which he has now laid claim to. Now he promisses to cut the deficit which never would have occurred had he not cut the GST. Doesn’t sound like any of these fellows have had a very sound grasp of fiscal management? The issue is that we are into another election because we don’t have fixed election dates that are unaffected by votes of non-confidence. So parties do not have to seek consensus and get on with governing the country – almost every democracy in the world today works on the basis of consensus within a minority framework. It is time we accepted that majority government is hard to achieve in Canada and likely not the best government particularly from a fiscal perspective.
The arguments that Klaus makes are a prime example of the greatest Liberal lie of the last 20 years. Contrary to the nonsense spouted by these left wing crackpots, Mulroney inherited a 32B deficit and 200B acumulated debt from that socialist intelectual Trudeau – and now the libs want us to put another one in charge!! God help us if that happens.
When Mulroney took over, the deficit was like a runaway train – he campaigned on this issue and Canadians began to wake up to the problems caused by it. When he attemped to make the changes required to stop this avalanch of spending, the usual suspects lifted their heads out of the trough and ran squeeling into the streets that the sky was falling.
Paul Martin arrived on the scene when Canadians woke up to the fact that the status quo was unsastainable and the Communist Brodcasting Corp(CBC) and Pravda- the Workers Daily (The Toronto Star) had finished their hatchet jobs on Mulroney.
Mr. Harper has done a masterful job of steering our economy through difficult times in spite of being handicaped by the lack of a majority government – he deserves a chance to govern with that majority.
In the eyes of the people, most governments get it wrong. That’s why governments change so frequently.
However, at present, Canada has a very stable, very fiscal, responsible approach to a very unstable fiscal world.
The last thing we need at this time, is an election.
I predict the following:
If the conservatives get a majority, Iggy will leave the country and go back to the U.S. (His home).
If the Liberals get into power in any form, either by a majority, a minority, or as part of a coalition, Canada will become a fiscal basket-case within twelve month hence.
Good Luck to all!
I agree that the liberals will most likely lose.
The issue about the Harper government squandering the surplus handed to them is a terrible argument to make… I feel, and I am sure that most Canadian also feel that there is a time for spending and the global economic downturn was it!
With out government support to help power the Canadian Economy through the economic down turn where would we be at today.
So, I respectfully counter your statement about the Harper government squandering a surplus. The surplus was used strategically and wisely to the benefit of Canadian. Now, the government should focus on rebuilding a surplus in preparation for another future time of need.
I agree that the Liberals will probably lose, but in Canada, campaigns matter, so we’ll have to see how it goes.
The issue I have, is that the Conservatives are taking credit for the tough choices and heavy lifting of the previous Liberal government, when Paul Martin repaired the fiscal damage done by the Mulroney Conservatives. The Harper Conservatives were handed a huge annual surplus (just like Bush) and proceeded to squander it – just like Bush. Bush squandered the Clinton surplus in one year. The fact that it took the Harper Conservatives 3 years to squander a large surplus during good economic times, is not exactly great fiscal management in my eyes. As soon as the recession hit, they had to go massively into deficit again (Mulroney would be proud). As Paul Martin said, the whole point of running a surplus is to save for a rainy day. Without the legacy of the previous Liberal government, our fiscal and economic outlook would have been a lot less rosy.
The Conservatives do not deserve the credit – but they may get away with it.
Hugh, take a look at the post by Klaus. He disagrees with me and took the time to write a lengthy response to support his position. Cool. I love this kind of dialogue because it is so constructive on so many different levels. You, on the other hand, just demonstrated through a vulgar and thoughtless post that you have nothing of any value to contribute to dialogue and debate between Canadians.
Thanks for coming out.
Klaus, thanks for chiming in. If we are going to go down that path, then let’s remember it was the Trudeau Liberals that irreversibly plunged Canada into debt. So the buck starts with the Liberals.
Get off Harpers dick you idiot.
I agree that the Liberals will probably lose, but in Canada, campaigns matter, so we’ll have to see how it goes.
The issue I have, is that the Conservatives are taking credit for the tough choices and heavy lifting of the previous Liberal government, when Paul Martin repaired the fiscal damage done by the Mulroney Conservatives. The Harper Conservatives were handed a huge annual surplus (just like Bush) and proceeded to squander it – just like Bush. Bush squandered the Clinton surplus in one year. The fact that it took the Harper Conservatives 3 years to squander a large surplus during good economic times, is not exactly great fiscal management in my eyes. As soon as the recession hit, they had to go massively into deficit again (Mulroney would be proud). As Paul Martin said, the whole point of running a surplus is to save for a rainy day. Without the legacy of the previous Liberal government, our fiscal and economic outlook would have been a lot less rosy.
The Conservatives do not deserve the credit – but they may get away with it.