Don’t make fun of the image … OK, make a little fun … but you get the point.
1. Don’t bother with any Alexa data prior to 2011, as ZH was gaining steam.  The traffic trends I’ve noticed really come into play over the last 10 months or so … but Alexa doesn’t let you pull charts for specific time periods.
2.  I’ve always considered ZH to be a great fear gauge of the masses.
3. Â When the masses panic and S&P is dropping, they run to ZeroHedge and ZHÂ Alexa Rank Rises (see S&P 1,100)
4. Â When the world is calm and S&P is rising, they go elsewhere (more traditional financial media) and ZH Alexa Rank Drops (see S&P 1,340)
The masses are feeling really good right now.