Investing in small-caps can be extremely rewarding if you can avoid the promotional hype and focus in on small-cap companies that actually deliver real results, to real customers.
Innolog is one of those companies.
Yes, they are an AGORACOM client so assume I am horribly conflicted … and take a look at the facts below for yourself … real products, real customers (US DoD) and real annual revenues ($5,000,000 +).  The fact that insiders hold > 70% of the shares tells you everything you need to know about their commitment.
Have a look.
BREAKING … Innolog (INHC) … Awarded Another Defence Contract … Adds To Long List of US Department of Defence Contracts ….
Innolog Announces New Subcontract Award
- Announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Innovative Logistics Techniques, Inc. received a subcontract award from PD Systems, Inc. to support the U.S. Department of Army
- Contract is up to two years and will be based out of Chambersburg, PA at the Letterkenny Army Depot.
- INNOLOG will provide support for labor, management, logistical and technical support services to augment the LEAD civilian and military workforce in recap and reset operations on military armored vehicles and military power generators.
- US Army
- US Navy
- US Air Force
- Lockheed Martin
- 2012 Revenues (Year To Date) $4.06 Million
- 2012 Revenues (Estimated) $5.2 Million
- 2011 Revenues (Actual) $4.7 Million
60-Second Profile / Corporate Website / Hub on AGORACOM