Growing support: In states where medical marijuana is illegal, or in states where medical marijuana is still being considered, about half of doctors support legalization. Here’s a more in-depth look at the statistics, as reported by WebMD:
69% say it can help with certain treatments and conditions.
67% say it should be a medical option for patients.
56% support making it legal nationwide.
50% of doctors in states where it is not legal say it should be legal in their states.
52% of doctors in states considering new laws say it should be legal in their states.
A companion study of 2,960 random site visitors to WebMD found split support for medical marijuana.
50% support making it legal nationwide.
49% of consumers in states where it is not legal say it should be legal in their states.
52% say it can help with treatments and conditions.
45% say the benefits outweigh the risks.
However, majorities of both doctors and those polled by WebMD did not support legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
Another study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that even higher percentages of its readership — about 76% — would prescribe marijuana to a patient experiencing severely painful symptoms from advanced breast cancer.
For more background on the marijuana laws of each state, check out PolicyMic’s interactive map.
Source: http://www.policymic.com/articles/86779/here-s-what-1-544-doctors-had-to-say-about-medical-marijuana
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Tags: medical Marijuana