This is the next installment in our Small Cap Leadership Series in which interview small cap resource companies that we consider to be leaders by virtue of their ability to advance promising projects at a time when most companies are just trying to keep the lights on.
This is a great interview with:
Dunnedin Ventures
Chris Taylor, CEO
Allan Barry Laboucan, Special Advisor
- “Kahuna Diamond Project” (the “Project”), located in Nunavut, Canada. Kahuna is an advanced stage / high grade diamond project / discovered in 2001.
- Three main diamondiferous kimberlite dikes have been discovered, the Kahuna, PST and Notch.
- These have strike lengths, widths and grades comparable to producing diamond mines.
- The largest diamond recovered was a 5.43 carat stone from the Kahuna dike that had been broken during the sample preparation process and was reconstructed as having an original size of 13.42 carats
- Rapidly advancing the project towards feasibility
- Why diamond projects are set to become very valuable again