- World class gold and base metal deposits in British Columbia; and diamonds in Alberta.
- More than 9 million oz Au produced or as resources in a radius of less than 70KM to Greenwood project
- Holds, or has an interest in, metallic and industrial mineral permits for potash totalling more than 364,000 acres along the Alberta-Saskatchewan border
- Four precious-base metal properties in British Columbia totalling over 235,000 acres. Grizzly also currently holds more than 231,000 acres in diamond properties, which host diamondiferous kimberlites in the Buffalo Head Hills and Birch Mountains of Alberta
- Portions of Grizzly’s Greenwood Project being explored by Kinross through option agreement
- Drillholes with up to 31.1% K2O results from assays on recent Grizzly drill program
- Historic Unity Potash Mine 45 km east of existing GZD lands
- Agrium Vanscory Potash Mine 200 km east of GZD lands
- Significant Potash in drill core or indicated by gamma logs at depths ranging from 1,060m to 1,675m
- Temperatures at those depths range from about 50oC to 75oC. Optimal temperature for solution mining is approximately 75oC.
- According to industry estimates, Canada has Potash resources of 7.3 billion tonnes – roughly 52% of the world’s supply.
- Currently 11 mines in Saskatchewan produce the majority of Canada’s 35% contribution to the world’s annual production.
- The arable land per person in the world is declining, and weather patterns are becoming more volatile and extreme, fuelling demand for Potash which increases the yield per acre approximately 40%.
Greenwood Gold District
Portions of Grizzly’s Greenwood Project being explored by Kinross is 100% owned by Grizzly Discoveries Inc. and includes 131 claims that form a contiguous package totaling approximately 27,346 hectares, representing approximately one third of Grizzly’s land holdings at Greenwood. Under the terms of a September 2015 agreement, KG Exploration (Canada) Inc. can earn a 75% interest on the optioned land pursuant to an Option Agreement with Grizzly on portions of its land holdings in southeastern British Columbia by incurring US$3 million in exploration expenditures over a 5 year period. By the second anniversary of the agreement, 750 metres of diamond drilling must be completed along with US$750,000 in expenditures by September 23, 2017.
- Following 12 drill holes, 3 new diamond bearing kimberlites were discovered in 2008 at the Buffalo Head Hills property.
- Grizzly has more than 200,000 acres surrounding Diamondex & Shore Gold in the Buffalo Head Hills.
- Two kimberlite pipes look very promising and need bulk sampling which is being planned for future dates due to Grizzly’s current potash focus.
- Land rights are valid for 2 to 5 years based on existing development work done on properties by Grizzly.
Buffalo Head Hills Diamond Property, Alberta
A Renewed Interest in diamonds
Renewed interest in diamond exploration during 2015 and 2016 has prompted re-evaluation of Grizzly’s Buffalo Head Hills Diamond Project in north-central Alberta, which is located approximately 330 kilometres northwest of Edmonton and is easily accessed during summer and winter by a large network of roads and cutlines. Based upon an internal review of all data, the Company has staked additional permits of highly prospective lands for diamond-bearing kimberlites in the Buffalo Head Hills area. Grizzly’s total land position includes 11 permits that encompass approximately 220,000 acres.
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