- Collaborating with Perpetuus Carbon Technologies Ltd. to develop and market material-enhancing-graphite-derived graphenes and graphene hybrids for tire elastomers
- Gratomic and Perpetuus are currently in collaboration to build on Perpetuus’ capability to initially provide 500 tonnes of surfaced modified graphenes per annum to support the volumes required by the tire manufacturing industry
- Currently shipped 2.25 tonnes of Graphite concentrate to Perpetuus
- Perpetuus undertook to build three specialized process tooling chambers (“Chambersâ€) to be used solely for processing Graphite from Gratomic’s Aukam Graphite mine in Namibia.
- Exploring options to exploit polymer composites, energy capture and storage applications markets.
- 63% interest in The Aukam vein graphite deposit with an option to earn an additional 10% for USD 180 000
- The only jurisdiction outside Sri Lanka with foreseeable lump graphite production and competitive grade
- Existing mine infrastructure (open pit and adits) allowed for rapid restart of operations
- Construction started on 10,000 tonne per annum processing plant
- Bulk sampling of dump material over 2 months resulted in stockpile of graphitic material grading up to 82.1%
- Letter of intent to provide up to 5,000 tonnes of graphitic material a year for graphite anode market
- Developing graphitic foil market
- Long term lease agreement in place with land owner
- Aggressively developing other industrial applications such as Lubricants, special rust proof coatings
FULL DISCLOSURE: Gratomic is an advertising client of AGORA Internet Relations Corp.