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How online education is leveraging AI to offer greater benefits?

- Online education has managed to reform classrooms and teaching methods.
- Artificial Intelligence has proven its role in various industries including manufacturing, healthcare and education. AI can bring unimaginable transformation.
By : Ashok Pandey
Online education has managed to reform classrooms and teaching methods. Yet expecting to see true disruption of education. Artificial Intelligence has proven its role in various industries including manufacturing, healthcare and education. AI can bring unimaginable transformation.
The online education model simply paved over the older methods with technology, utilizing AI with advanced algorithms, provide adaptive learning. CiOL spoke to Diwakar Chittora, CEO & Founder, Intellipat to understand the education sector and how AI is helping students to gain most knowledge possible.
How AI adoption can change online education?
AI has automated the industry to a great extent, helping both students and teachers in gaining the most out the immense opportunity, all while democratizing education amongst all. While they focus the learning outcome of the student, helping students gain the most knowledge possible, for teachers, they provide an in-depth analysis on how to improve their learning delivery and ways, thereby empowering educators to maximize their skill set.
What are the key security hurdles for online education Industry?
Online education was initially, in dire needs of security awareness because of the very nature of its structure. Being entirely online encompasses the administration process, making it liable to sensitive information. Now, with the addition of AI into the system, the security gaps are being bridged and the framework is being bolstered with quality protection.
Which online certification has higher interest? And its future scope?
In the current job scenario where the value of a candidate depends upon an impactful CV, a relevant certification can add the much required USP into a lifeless resume. In our endless interaction with students, we have seen the trio of Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligent being the high points of interest.
Also cloud certifications such as AWS, DevOps, Azure and for programming languages, Python are high in demand by both learners and recruiting organization. This interest is not unfounded- Data Science, along with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, has become crucial, owing to its role in improving business and decision makings, while providing the biggest edge over the competitors.
Predictions for online education industry
The whole market is improving year by year, with a CAGR increase of approximately 10-15 % boost and an upcoming boost 15-20% to be seen. Now, the present year will see a further rise in the demand of Data scientists, in integral positions of the business framework.
Apart from being the leading software producer of the world, India has risen to become the leading generator and provider of IT- empowered engineers, who creating an impact on how the world conducts business. All this, coming together will empower the system creating ripples in the framework of education.
Source: https://www.ciol.com/online-education-leveraging-ai-offer-greater-benefits/