- Has now completed the drilling portion of the 2019 Regal exploration program at the Regal property, 1,846 meters of diamond drilling was completed in 21 holes.
- Sampled 4,410g/t Silver, 5.68g/t Gold, 26.4% Zinc, 2.27% Copper, and >20% Lead.
- 22 samples collected from the Black Jacket and Allco areas of the Regal property located approximately 35 km northeast of Revelstoke, BC.
- The majority contained bonanza grade silver, zinc, and lead with many samples reaching assay over-limits.
- Further assaying of over-limits has been initiated, results will be reported once received.

Property History & Background
The property hosts numerous mineral occurrences including the following past-producing mines:
Snowflake and Regal Silver (Stannex/Woolsey) Mines
The Snowflake and Regal Silver mines were two former producing mines that operated intermittently during the period 1936-1953. The last significant work on the property took place from 1967-1970, when Stannex Minerals completed 2,450 meters of underground development work and a feasibility study, but did not restart mining operations. In 1982, reported reserves were 590,703 tonnes grading 71.6 grams per tonne silver, 2.66 per cent lead, 1.26 per cent zinc, 1.1 per cent copper, 0.13 per cent tin and 0.015 per cent tungsten (Minfile No. 082N 004 – Prospectus, Gunsteel Resources Inc., April 29, 1986). It should be noted that the above resource and grades, although believed to be reliable, were prepared prior to the adoption of NI43-101 and are not compliant with current standards set out therein for calculating mineral resources or reserves.
ALLCO Silver Mine
The Allco Silver Mine is situated 6.35 Kilometers northwest of the above described Snowflake/Regal Mine(s) and is also part of the Affinity claim group.
The Allco Silver Mine operated from 1936-1937 and produced 213 tonnes of concentrates containing 11 troy ounces of gold (1.55 g/t), 11,211 troy ounces of silver (1,637 g/t) and 173,159 lbs of lead (36.9%).
Airborne Geophysics to Guide Future Exploration
An extensive airborne geophysics survey conducted by Geotech Ltd of Aurora, Ontario, for Northaven Resources Corp. in 2011, identified four well defined high potential linear targets correlating with the same structural orientation as the Allco, Snowflake and Regal Silver mines. Northaven also reported that the mineralogy and structural orientation of the Allco, Snowflake and Regal Silver appeared to be similar to that of Huakan’s J&L gold project located to the north, and on a similar geophysical trend line. The J&L is reportedly now one of western Canada’s largest undeveloped gold mineral resources.
After completing the airborne survey, Northaven failed in financing their company and conducting further exploration on the property and subsequently forfeited the claims without any of the follow up work ever being completed. Affinity Metals is in the fortunate position of benefitting from this significant and promising geophysics data and associated targets.
The aforementioned Northaven airborne geophysical survey conducted at a cost of $319,458.95 in August of 2011 is described in The BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Assessment Report #33054. The results of the survey are competently explained and illustrated by professionals on You Tube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX431eBY_t0
FULL DISCLOSURE: Affinity Metals is an advertising client of AGORA Internet Relations Corp
Tags: #AFF, #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #IncrementumAG, #InGoldWeTrust, #Kootenay, #silver, #TudorGold