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THC-infused edibles and CBD-infused edibles

When cannabis is ingested, the THC is metabolized by the liver
With edibles coming to brick-and-mortar shops in mid-December, users are looking to get high without the smoke.
But when choosing edibles, users will want to pay attention to whether the product has CBD or THC, two compounds with very different effects.
CBD, the non-psychoactive component within cannabis has been widely touted for its medical benefits to help people with, among other conditions, chronic pain. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports CBD is not physically addictive.
By comparing those administered doses of active CBD to those given as a placebo, researchers said that “while the number of studies is limited, the evidence from well-controlled human experimental research indicates that CBD is not associated with abuse potential.â€
CBD leads to slower effects that aren’t psychoactive in nature — meaning they aren’t the effects you see portrayed in pop culture.
The effects from CBD will be tame and mellow compared to its psychoactive opposite, THC. Most medical cannabis includes CBD rather than THC, with CBD already available in capsule form in legal stores.
When most people think of cannabis’ effects, they think of THC. Many of the new cannabis products slated to enter stores in mid-December will focus on THC.
When cannabis is ingested, the THC is metabolized by the liver, transforming itself into 11-hydroxy-THC. This metabolite is up to four times faster in crossing the blood-brain barrier than average THC, and is why edibles are associated with intense, vivid and longer-lasting experiences.
THC normally gets pointed at as the compound that creates the potential for withdrawal symptoms among some heavy users.
An evidence brief compiled by the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) states that “cannabis is addictive, though not everyone who uses it will develop an addiction.â€
While using cannabis oil or edibles with THC, users may get addicted or experience habit-formation. Products that only include CBD don’t appear to become addictive.
Source: https://lfpress.com/cannabis-news/day-29-thc-infused-edibles-and-cbd-infused-edibles/wcm/473a4264-5028-4c42-94ca-53da8b2db7c7
Tags: Cannabis, CBD, CSE, Hemp, Marijuana, stocks, tsx, tsx-v, weed