SPONSOR: PRIMO NUTRACEUTICALS INC. (CSE: PRMO) (OTC: BUGVF) (FSE: 8BV) (DEU: 8BV) (MUN: 8BV) (STU: 8BV) provides strategic capital to the thriving cannabis cultivation sector through ownership and development of commercial real estate properties. The company also offers fully built out turnkey facilities equipped with state-of-the-art growing infrastructure to cannabis growers and processors. Click here for more info.
PODCAST: Hemp, CBD And Cannabis With Josh Drayton And Alex Seleznov
- Josh Drayton is Communications and Outreach Director of the California Cannabis Industry Association, an association that collectively represents over 460 industry businesses.
- Alex Seleznov is a board member and Treasurer for the National Hemp Association as well as founder of Advanced Extraction, a company specializing in organically produced hemp products.
- They join the show today to discuss why everyone’s paying attention to California, the preventable vaping crisis and what it means to be in the current CBD space.
Topics include:
- 6:45 – Josh has worked at CCIA for 4 years. Getting to know cannabis as an economic driver and way of life. Passionate about legalization.
- 7:25 – Issues with California policy. Looking at the timeline. Legalized medical in 1996 but no state regulations. No statewide framework until 2013, which is when CCIA formed. 2016 adult use passed in California and the past few years have seen medical and adult use regulations being figured out. 55 bills in this year alone. Everyone’s paying attention to California but it takes being incredibly engaged.
- 9:55 – Licensing supply and demand. Dual licensing system in California (local and state permits). Conflicting regulations in different areas.
- 11:15 – Regulated vs. illicit shops. Lack of education about black market. Plays into the vaping crisis. Needs to improve. Deaths in California happened in banned areas from black market. War on drugs doesn’t improve public health. Legislators beginning to understand this.
- 13:35 – Prediction for federal legality. Will California be a model? California modeled itself on other successful markets and has gone above and beyond in regards to packaging and testing regulations. Federal government is watching California. Canada, France, New Zealand, Germany regulators all have toured California to see how their cannabis market works. SAFE Banking Act a huge catalyst. Regulating gives more control, not less.
- 15:23 – Farm Bill passing, CBD proliferation has helped THC market. Medical conversations help with cannabis and hemp markets.
- 16:40 – Investors interested in getting into the space – everyone needs to understand it’s a marathon, not a sprint. The longer the legal market exists the more it’s going to pay off.
- 17:25 – Alex’s company Advanced Extractions. Vertically integrated hemp/CBD company based in Colorado.
- 18:25 – Confusion around passage of Farm Bill in CBD space. What it means to be in the CBD space right now. Lack of regulation means people are interpreting rules on their own. Lots of opportunity.
- 19:49 – What do investors and consumers need to look for in this space? Investors need to vet claims a company makes. Only FDA demand is on claims. Transparency is key as well as evidence of regulatory compliance. Market is subject to scrutiny that no other product – no matter how harmful – is subject to.
- 22:05 – Differentiation in a saturated market. Restricted marketplace gives opportunity for brands to find their niche.
- 23:52 – Future of hemp space. Total plant purposes of hemp. Putting more renewables into the consumer stream. Alternative to plastic. Initially there will be more of a ceiling before it’s able to become a mass market product.
Source: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4307958-hemp-cbd-cannabis-josh-drayton-alex-seleznov