SPONSOR: NORTHBUD (NBUD:CSE) Sustainable low cost, high quality cannabinoid production and procurement focusing on both bio-pharmaceutical development and Cannabinoid Infused Products. Learn More.
When CBD met chocolate
The health-conscious, environmentally-aware consumer has encouraged new trends in the chocolate sector that affect flavour, texture and harvesting. Greater Goods has gone one step further, infusing the beloved food of the gods with CBD. Bethan Grylls hears from its co-founder about why this combination works.
Indulgent, premium and good-for-you: these words will be familiar to the modern-day confectioner as they look to address current trends1 and differentiate themselves in a competitive market. Be it a new sensory experience across taste, texture or colour; the lure of single-origin sourcing; or a guilt-free treat, the realms of chocolate innovation and buyer demands have stretched well beyond the days of penny sweets.
Some brands have taken things one step further, combining trends like organic, fair trade and non-GMO confectionery, with the demand for CBD – a term that was Googled 6. 4 million times during April 2019.2
Greater Goods, based in Oregon, US, is one example, offering its customers a selection of cannabinoid-infused ‘goodies’. Despite being a modest husband and wife venture, the team says they are looking to compete against the larger companies through hand-crafted, fun and unusually-flavoured products.
Source: https://www.newfoodmagazine.com/article/101342/when-cbd-met-chocolate/
Tags: Cannabis, CBD, CSE, Hemp, Marijuana, stocks, tsx, tsx-v, weed