SPONSOR: BetterU Education Corp. aims to provide access to quality education from around the world. The company plans to bridge the prevailing gap in the education and job industry and enhance the lives of its prospective learners by developing an integrated ecosystem. Click here for more information. |

I hope you are well. betterU, in partnership with several of our content partners, have decided to assemble a COVID-19 All-In-One resource toolkit available on mobile through betterU’s Ready-To-Go platform. We have decided to make it available for FREE to support you, your families, coworkers, employees, friends and our communities. We want to get this in the hands of as many people as possible so feel free to share the link.
Simple go to https://readytogo.betteru.ca/get-started/ to start the process. It is very simple! The COVID-19 package will be automatically added to your profile.

The noise of the media is creating confusion, fear and panic, while becoming more difficult to determine what is true or false. The app includes access to all the most relevant COVID-19 information assembled from leading sources around the world such as the World Health Organization, CDC and more. It includes content in the form of videos, text, PDFs, graphics and links. It also includes resources to support your personal well-being as well as professional challenges of working from home. We will be adding more content to continue to support community needs.
Be well, be safe and stay informed.
Tags: COVID-19, edtech, india, online education, small cap stocks, tsx, tsx-v