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People are choosing cannabis over cocktails because it’s healthier
- What’s a safer, healthier option to alcohol? That would be cannabis, say 90 per cent of Americans asked about their use of substances last year.
- The findings seem to reflect that people trying to adopt healthier lifestyles are thinking cannabis could be a better fit than alcohol, suggests an article by Merry Jane.
A healthier lifestyle was among four factors associated with more people consuming weed in 2019 than in 2018. The other three factors include there being less stigma around cannabis, legalization and decriminalization efforts, and pot from legal U.S. states being sold on the black market in states where cannabis is still a no-no.
The National Cannabis Study, released last month by marketing research firm MRI-Simmons, notes the single-year jump in cannabis consumption between 2018 and 2019 was significant. About 22 per cent of surveyed Americans consumed weed at least once in 2019 compared to 16 per cent in 2018. That represents a 38 per cent hike.
Of those who used cannabis in 2019, the survey shows 17 per cent consumed once a month or more, while seven per cent consumed daily.
Cannabis, herbal supplements and vitamins were all up from 2018 to 2019. / Photo: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
While consumption of cannabis, herbal supplements and vitamins were all up from 2018 to 2019, caffeine and alcohol consumption dropped slightly, both by about three per cent.
About 58 per cent of respondents also said that marijuana should be legal, up from 56 per cent in 2018, and almost two-thirds, 64 per cent, over the age of 18 expect marijuana to become legalized in all states within the next five years.
The study used a nationally representative online sample of more than 5,000 respondents.
Source: https://www.thegrowthop.com/cannabis-news/cannabis-continuing-to-mainstream-with-more-americans-using-weed-in-2019