SPONSOR: Kontrol Energy (KNR:CSE) is utilizing cutting edge technologies to help enterprises reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. If Google NEST is the leader in smart home technology, Kontrol Energy is the small cap leader in smart building technology. The company has an established blue chip customer base including; Beyond Meat, Oxford Properties, Brookfield Asset Management, Telus, Suncor Energy, Toyota and many more. The company generated $14.6M of revenue in 2019. Learn more.

Getting Smarter About Smart Buildings
Intelligent environments can make the workplace safer and improve collaboration

By: Ethan Bernstein
We’re seeing renewed energy around smart buildings as organizations, their landlords, and developers consider what it will take to facilitate a mass return to physical workspaces mid- and post-pandemic. In particular, they’re thinking about how emerging technologies, beyond garden-variety sensors and apps, can be used to track employees and keep them safe. It’s increasingly possible, for instance, to analyze radio waves, like Wi-Fi, to monitor where people are and how they move — without any connection to a smartphone or other hardware.1 Employers and builders are also reconceiving optimal office design.2 A new global Smart Building Certification process is even underway.
However, in response to all this energy, one must ask: What will come of it? Is “smart” really getting smarter — and taking us where we want to go?
Smart environments have a long, deeply imperfect track record, dating back at least to the 17th century, when Dutch inventor Cornelis Drebbel created one of the first feedback-controlled devices: a thermostat that regulated airflow in a chicken incubator, based on temperature. Progress since then has been impressive, particularly in terms of efficiency (think energy and time savings), comfort or wellness (temperature, air quality, sound, lighting, and so on), and safety (detecting fire, revealing gas and water leaks, and other self-diagnostics). In that sense, we have achieved much of the promise of what were originally called intelligent (or automated) buildings at the end of the last century.
Read more: https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/getting-smarter-about-smart-buildings/