Hilaria Baldwin Chooses Else Nutrition on E! Daily Pop
“As many of you know, my family primarily eats a dairy-free, plant-based diet. I nurse my babies and am always looking for a plant-based toddler formula to transition to once they are weaned. There hasn’t been anything on the market except soy until now. This is why I’m so excited to share @elsenutrition with you – it’s the first clean-label, plant-based formula for toddlers. Romeo and I are making their Complete Nutrition Drink which helps support his growth and development during this key time. Else is organic and non-GMO. It’s FDA-compliant, dairy, soy, and hormone-free. There are no antibiotics, palm oil, or corn syrups that are traditionally found in infant and toddler formulas and milks, so your babies can get the nutrition nature intended! I highly recommend this amazing alternative, especially if you’re like me where you’ve been looking for something Else!”
Tags: baby food, CSE, investing, organic, plant-based, small cap, stocks, tsx