Agoracom Blog

VIDEO – Durango Commences Drilling on Trend with Osisko in Windfall Lake

Posted by AGORACOM-JC at 3:19 PM on Monday, October 19th, 2020

Welcome to be on the press release a production of AGORACOM in which we speak to small cap executives after they puto ut important news. Durango resources trades on the TSX venture on the stock symbol DGO Marcy is the president of the company for those of you new to the store that’s gonna be a lot you can or just come out with it Durango owns a 100 percent interest in the trove claims those are surrounded by a Osisko mining in the windfall lake gold district between val-d’or and Chibougamau I lost of that name Quebec that trolled property is located along the structural trend that’s hosting a Osisko mining’s windfall lake deposit and the Osisko was recently purchased claims along the troll property boundary and those 2 cells along with black along with the black dog gold deposit are tied to the troll property northern boundary off 500 meters away from Durango’s planned drill targets up here to talk about all of that is Marcy welcome back. Good afternoon nice to be here great to have you. You certainly play with big neighbors are you got Osisko all around you. 500 meters of the delivery throw snowball almost at their property their their assets what is it about trove that was so special for you and it’s so special to a Osisko being right around you. Okay well so to be clear the properties aren’t special until we prove that their special which is exactly what we are working on current only I’m the old adage is if you want to find gold go where they’ve already found it which is exactly what we have done that when fully come back home to wrangled holds are small land position in comparison to our big neighbors as a Osisko but realistically you don’t need a huge one position to have a deposit or mind the key is to hold strategically positioned claims which have the best potential to host the school deposits so our true property is special because we’ve got to known gold producing faults running through the property which are great potential indicators for the property just alone on those 2 things today we’ve done humus sampling we’ve done till sampling we’ve done some I. P. and airborne work and currently we’re working on surface trenching and exploration drilling on our natural project so yeah that’s kind of it not so for that for our work so far on the troubled does it but does all that work before you can start it does give you great great comfort knowing that a Osisko is sold nearby and that they’re doing so much work so close to you I’m sure you could probably see them right across the way right yeah well we actually stumbled on and saw one of their drill flags that was just about 300 meters over our property boundary when we were moving around up there so yeah they’re definitely right there and the one that we just stumbled upon we looked up and stuff and it’s one that they have found up to 5 grams per tonne gold so it’s great to know that there’s gold around us so we just have a better potential finding it on our troop property as well which is what we want for not only us but for all of our shareholders to keep everybody happy and making money and do there that number you just reference with all the draws also the Osisko put out last week. On their windfall gold project no the ones they’ve been putting out the last one that I’ve been looking at are the ones that are further north up around their links project which is north of us yet because they’ve got as we know quite a big land position so they’ve got the windfall lake they’ve got the lynx deposit and the black dog and they’re working on and drilling right now and it’s about 5 kilometers north of us so so there’s we’re kind of all around us from this is cool but the one that had the real nice big numbers are is further north of us up around their legs deposit so let’s talk about what you’re doing on troll view just announced drawing out what do you looking to achieve and how big is this for first program going to be. I’m so what we have permanent right now on the troop is for 15 drill holes and we’re gonna methodically go through those drill holes for starting at the holes that are nearest to the Osisko hole that’s like just 300 meters over a border first and then we’re working our way back from there the plan at troops so far is around 2200 meters is what we’ve budgeted but we can R. and drilling contractors to go up to 5000 meters and I’ve given our technical team free reign of the need to go deeper they can feel free to go deeper and as long as they got the permits and stuff on the holes that they’re doing they’ve they’ve got room to move on those holes deeper and if they need to act  mineralization wanna check things out we got the degree drill team up there and we got a great exploration crew and they’ve been busy busy busy and fighting that elements literally it’s been record rains up there this last while also we’ve had machinery getting stuck and things getting Hold to it’s it’s been great fun. So I guess it’s fair to say and I was gonna ask you even though it’s early you know any progress update but I’m assuming you know it’s still way too early for for much of an update their drill results yeah we’re going to be a little bit yet as we all know Covid affected every aspect of the world and this is just another one of them a lot of the labs that we have been talking to and working with they’ve got room at the labs but they don’t have anyone to work in the lab because people are off on the government assistance programs so. It’s slow but we’re expecting our channel samples because we did a lot of mechanical trenching at surface on the truth that we did and the couple 0 sample range so we sent them to 2 different labs and we’re expecting to get those back relatively soon it’s been a while the cruise going up and working on the projects up there since September 3 and we’re getting into almost the middle of October so things will be certain to come back shortly which will begin hopefully we’ll have some good news to report on those before we can get our drill results and it’s finally brought the mechanical trenching because some people think that this is coordinated between it but it’s not in your last press release you actual quote that I want to ask you on that so here’s next okay the results of the mechanical trenching and you just put the result of mechanical trains as much have been eye opening by whatever I see things like that it’s okay I’ve got a drill down further pardon but I’ve been I’ve opening with the discovery of a sizeable northeast years on multiple occasions with quartz veining and pie right at surface and important geological indicators near the initial drill targets not for a lot of people at home they’re not going to stand what that means but it definitely sounds like an enthusiastic what would you say have been I. opening so in layman’s terms maybe you can explain to us why those are it was I opening well I could do layman’s terms because I am a woman I’m not a geologist so. You know I just generally just. So basically yeah the mechanical trenching has been very successful up at virtual property because there is there’s a lot of overburden which is just like a lot of low lying shrubs and small trees that we’ve cleared out and with the trenching we were within a day be able to open everything up so we could see the rocks that were in your service and. We found this in northeast shear zone so why these shear zones are important is they basically run through our troll property and they run up towards one ‘s running out into windfall lake the real little fault and then there’s a very fault that runs up to goes and goes to the gladiator deposit on volunteer resources so this is pretty interesting that we were we can like visibly see it we’ve done airborne surveys we’ve done I. P. which are. A ways away that you can see things from a distance you go up in the air with that magnetic and you can see that as a residence in image yeah and then you can see basically where the the cracking of the earth is and where the rocks are changing direction in which way things are moving which is important because in order for gold to flow up into these places we want where there’s been lots of friction lots of action and and cracking so the gold can flow up into these places and we can now napo and look and say okay the I. P. and airborne survey showed this and we actually can physically see it at surface where it’s coming out and cropping and it lines up perfectly with all the other information that we assume to be true and that was there and now we can literally see okay there it is and it lines up with everything that we’ve done to date so that’s great and the fact that it’s only 75 meters away from one of diet drink goes high priority drill targets is even better so hopefully we’re doubling with the greatest respect numbers when a great surprise right today because if you practice stumbled upon it. Well yes and no we will the reason we planned our drill holes we would spend months and months planning everything in order to try to intersect these things so it’s great to know that we weren’t wrong basically. Yeah well that and that’s that’s a great start let’s hope so while waiting for that to happen so that’s great lot of action and we’re expecting results like start coming back in due time so you’re gonna be back quite a bit in 2020 that’s for sure for one at home windfall lake it’s not just you and the Osisko that’s the most active gold exploration camping Canada from understand and they’re 21 all drill rigs are on site at windfall as of June so. Give everyone a bit of an overview of how big windfall lake is and why it’s white so smart for you to be there okay perfect so yeah basically north of us and surrounding the troll property we have a Osisko mining which everybody here has probably heard of that is interested in Canadian gold mining and the Osisko right now has just over 5000000 ounces I believe that their windfall lake deposit and and Bonterra resources has 838000 ounces at the deposit which is also north of us and then a little further north east of us the gladiator deposit is 1.1000000 ounces and a deposit there and so so far that camp has over 7000000 ounces of indicated and inferred gold resources just in the immediate area of us which is fantastic we do have a common denominator with our one of our neighbors to the north Montero as deal gin is head of our technical team and he was also V. P. acts for volunteer resources and when they discovered that gladiator deposit just north of us so he’s been weighing in and keeping an eye on things and guiding and directing us as we go along with our exploration right now so he’s pretty excited to see what we’re gonna pull out of the ground as well it certainly helps to have some like him along who’s who’s actually been successful discovering gold yes deals in the region if anyone knows how to edit them he’s made like 7 discoveries and one of them is not very far away from us so and he’s also a shareholder of Durango as well as all of the members of our technical team which is which is great yeah I forgot all that something I should mention and I’m glad March to kind of remind me there 40 percent insider ownership including Marcy herself at 16 percent that’s that’s as of the latest numbers you you guys of you all put your money where your mouth is. And that’s a big difference from a lot of companies out there who you know they do the work good companies but the end of the day you know they’re collecting a nice paycheck and not really going for where’s what does it say what should that tell everyone that the manager team the inside there’s a 40 percent insider ownership including 60 percent of that being you. Well like you said if if you wanna if you wanna play you’re gonna have to play big we got big neighbors to play with to put your money where your mouth determined to find a gold deposit and in the past year gold prices have already come up from like 1450 to over 2000 US around so we’ve got a lot of indicators are going in and out definitely if I could be by more right now I would be but well we’re drilling I don’t think it’s prudent for me to be purchasing anymore shares are in the deal but that doesn’t. In July just Canada’s deficit forecast was projected which is the largest deficit shortfall since World War 2 and I just was reading in the headlines yesterday in the U. S. the cost of coal bit is is probably going to be around $16000000000000 which is crazy like almost a full year’s GDP for the USA so this means that our gold prices not going lower anytime soon the flood the feds are just flooding the markets with currency and it’s not just North America it’s this is a global thing not just a global pandemic we’re dealing with we’re dealing with global currency dealings gold star and the global global printing pandemic and that’s what that’s not stopping which means gold and is just going to continue to rise and it’s been great for us juniors it’s been the financings that I’ve seen come out in the last few months are just phenomenal with all the money all these juniors can now hit the bush to get working on our properties that we’ve been waiting so desperately poor and now we’re gonna find out there’s gonna be a lot more new discoveries and so therefore the sharing our prices are gonna be increasing for all these juniors and it’s gonna reward all shareholders like myself and hopefully you and everybody else and everyone was risk their capital and supported all these juniors I think we’re all gonna be winners in the end and Durango is a big part of this Russian we’re super excited we just completed a 2.8Mfinancing which is the biggest in the history of the company now we’ve got money to drill an exploratory parties like we never had before we’ve got a fantastic technical team exploration crew that’s willing to work 24/7 it’s exciting to be part of Durango and so excited and I want everyone who’s a shareholder there to know that our team is giving 110 percent for this program we spent months and months of planning it working on it making sure we had everything just so I actually want to take 1 minute to just say thank you to all of our shareholders and whether you’ve been a shareholder for 2 days are for. 10 years at you guys some of you guys have been in like me for the long haul and I just want to say thank you and I hope that your long wait will not be disappointing. Marcy this is what I love about our videos you just can’t get that kind of raw emotion that kind of leadership through a press release or blog post and I could have actually was gonna ask you a couple more questions about but I want to enter right there because that was powerful I love it and it shows you know that you’re all in on this your passion about it because you’ve you’ve got just the biggest stake as all the other shareholders so it event was motivated to see something great happened for Durango it’s you and thanks to that that was you for me as a shareholder dollars powerful stuff okay let’s get. You’ve been watching or you’ve been listening by podcast Marcy she’s been she’s president CEO of Durango resources as you can tell the governor trades on the TSX venture exchange under the stock symbol DGO now you’ve heard or listen to what Marcy had to say now it’s your turn you gotta do some diligence first thing I wanna do is get to the Durango hubo n AGORACOM specifically the profile page were laid everything out for ya in a great overview summary because we know there’s a lot to absorb here but we’re going to give that first overall summary then go over the Durango side do some deep dive into not only trove but India often windfall lake and up and up and go back to most of the east berry they’ve also discovered property we’ll talk about those next time so there’s a lot there’s a lot below the surface for Durango and hopefully today you’ve discovered your next great small cap gold company thanks for joining us everyone have a fantastic day so next time thanks George.

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