When Goldman Sachs Says your copper deposit is one of the top 80 projects waiting to be developed worldwide, investors should pay very close attention.
That’s especially true when copper is trading at $USD 3.50/pound, a level not seen since 2013, when Candente Copper (DNT:TSX) was valued at $250 million.
Candente owns Cañariaco Norte, a large, economic, copper ore body in Peru waiting to be mined.
Highlights are as follows.
- 100% owned feasibility-stage porphyry copper deposit; a single, contiguous, open-pit mineable deposit of:
- 7.5B pounds Measured and Indicated and can be mined for 22 years once in production.
- Once in production Canariaco is in the lowest quartile of production costs for projects waiting to be developed.
- Operating costs of US$0.988 per pound of copper
- Capable of generating annual production of 262,000,000lbs of copper, 39,000 oz gold & 911,000 oz silver over initial mine life of 22 yrs(@ 95,000 tpd).
Fortescue is one of the largest global iron ore producers in the world and recently increased its strategic ownership in Candente to 19.9%.
With a market cap of just $20 million, Candente is now beginning the process of reclaiming its former glory with plans to put Cañariaco Norte into production.
Watch this great interview with Candente CEO Joanne Freeze.
Tags: #Canariaco, #copper, #Fortesque, #Freeport, #Gold, #GoldmanSachs, #mining, stocks, tsx