Agoracom Blog

Universal PropTech $ – An Integrated and Holistic Approach Stops the Spread of #Covid-19 in Public Facilities #AI #IoT $SNE $MSFT $HON

Posted by AGORACOM-JC at 8:23 AM on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Public facilities serve their specific purposes, whether they be to educate children, support communities with meeting space and programs, house and support our elderly, maintain the movement of people, or supporting our emergency services resources. It is not an understatement to claim that ensuring these facilities are able to open and operate in a safe and healthy manner underpins the ability for our economy to re-open and thrive. There is no other way.

Despite the rolling out of vaccines, it is also obvious that while 2021 offers a light at the end of the tunnel, not much has changed from the devastation left from the wake of the 2nd wave. Newly identified strain variants don’t guarantee the long-term effectiveness of the vaccines, but resemble more of an equivalent of ongoing serious flu seasons. 

Thinking through how facilities can operate in a safe and healthy manner, what are to be likely challenges? What would success look like? 

Firstly, before people are able to enter a facility, there must be systems in place to assess, in real time, whether people have Covid-19. One way to eliminate the spread of the virus within the facility is ensuring that those who are asymptomatic and may be unaware, are denied access. There are a number of ways to accomplish this, ranging from regular testing, increased speed to generate results, and ability to manage access more effectively.   

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