AGORACOM followers have given us great feedback on our hit series “Beyond The Press Release” (BTPR) in which we speak with small cap CEO’s about important press releases in greater depth and, quite frankly, in layman’s terms for investors to truly understand their significance.
Nowhere is this more important than in the world of disruptive technologies, biotech and pharma. Each of these industries share two distinct traits:
- The possibility for explosive growth with disruptive new products
- Difficulty in conveying disruptive new products that, by their nature, have never been seen before by investors.
Whereas BTPR tells these stories from the side of small cap public companies, Beyond The Expert (BTE) tells these stories from the perspective of experts on these topics – and we couldn’t think of anyone better to start off this series than Leigh Hughes.
Leigh is a Venture Capitalist who I’ve personally watched conduct incredible due diligence and invest into many small cap companies that have generated incredible returns over 12-18 month periods.
Leigh is so good at what he does that many global private equity funds and institutions take his call and often follow him into investments he chooses to make. Moreover, he serves as an advisor to several small cap companies.
If you ever wanted to truly learn how to become a great small cap investor, it doesn’t get much better than this.
Without further adieu, watch this great interview with Leigh Hughes and make sure to provide us with your feedback via comments on Twitter, YouTube or wherever you may be watching or listening.
Tags: biopharma, CSE, pharma, small cap, small cap stocks, stocks, tsx, tsx-v