Posts Tagged ‘AOTH_RMills’
AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca

Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital, KirklandLake
Posted in Affinity Metals, AGORACOM Small Cap 60, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca
Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Reports Initial Results from Carscallen Extension Maiden Drill Program $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca

Affinity Metals Corp. (TSXV: AFF) (FSE: 34IA) (“the Corporation”) (“Affinity”) is pleased to announce that results from the initial three diamond drill holes have confirmed the presence of gold mineralization within the first target area on the Carscallen Extension project located immediately adjacent to the Kirkland Lake – Melkior Carscallen Joint Venture.
The three drill holes in this initial phase of exploration work were drilled within the Deloro geological assemblage and were located to test an airborne acoustical EM target at depth. Carx-20-01 was collared at UTM coordinate 450544.7 m E, 5360519 m N (Zone 17), and was drilled with a dip of 86 degrees at an azimuth of 348 degrees. This drill hole was successful in intersecting gold mineralization within a cherty banded iron formation that returned 0.21 g/t over 2 m from 429 m to 531 m. A second intersection further down the hole in a sheared metavolcanic breccia with quartz-carbonate veining and pyrite/chalcopyrite mineralization returned 0.21 g/t gold over 6 m from 535 m to 541 m. Carx-20-02 collared at 450596 m E, 5360519 m N and Carx-20-03 collared at 45068.8 m E, 5360525.6 m N also intersected numerous zones of sheared metavolcanics containing mineralized quartz calcite veining that also returned anomalous values for gold.
Drill core was logged and intervals selected for sampling were split using a diamond saw. Half core samples were submitted to Northern Mining Analytical Laboratory of Timmins, Ontario (“NMAL”) for gold analysis using fire assay with atomic absorption finish. NMAL is certified by the Standards Council of Canada to ISO/IEC standard 17025:2017. Internal laboratory QA/QC was carried by insertion of certified reference materials (blanks, standards and duplicates) into the sample stream.
The Corporation is encouraged with the initial results from this program in that gold mineralization encountered in holes Carx-20-01 to 03 is similar to gold mineralization reported in the banded iron formations and sheared metavolcanic breccia with quartz calcite veining observed at the Wire Gold occurrence on the neighbouring Kirkland Lake – Melkior Carscallen JV Project.
Initial exploration plans identified several prospective targets on various locations on the property. This initial drilling was designed to test one of the anomalies with the most cost effective logistics that would test the correlation of potential mineralization with the acoustical EM geophysics model. The property hosts multiple targets that warrant further exploration given the initial apparent confirmation of the exploration model.
Affinity CEO, Rob Edwards, stated, “Affinity is fortunate to be in the Timmins Exploration Camp; the prolific area hosts some very successful projects and companies as neighbors. We are encouraged by the initial drill results on the Carscallen Extension Project and are looking forward to using the information we have assembled with this first phase of exploration to further our success in this area. Now that we seem to have initial confirmation of the model, the targets that require a little more work logistically will warrant further exploration. We will be working with our geophysics and geology teams to synthesize the initial models with detailed core logging and drill results to better confirm targets for further exploration. With the information now available, our team can move forward with a higher degree of certainty that their combined knowledge and technology have the potential to identify anomalous systems hosting large scale mineralization.”
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital
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Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Provides Exploration Update $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca

Affinity Metals Corp. (TSX-V:AFF) (FRANKFURT: 34IA) (“the Company” or “Affinity”) is pleased to provide shareholders with an update of the Company’s ongoing exploration initiatives and general corporate activities.
The Company is currently awaiting assay results related to diamond drill programs in 2020 and 2021. Assay wait times have been significantly longer this year due to COVID 19 and increased exploration activities across Canada. Assay results from the Regal Property drill program and the Carscallen Extension Project are pending and the Company expects to receive them soon. Upon receipt of the assay results, the Company’s geological team will compile, verify and interpret the information as soon as possible for public release.
Specific property updates are as follows:
Regal Property:
The Regal Property is located near Revelstoke, British Columbia within the northern end of the prolific Kootenay Arc and is south east and on trend with Rokmaster Resources’ Revel Ridge project. A total of 3,442 meters over 19 holes of diamond drilling was completed on Oct. 29, 2020 and core was delivered to the lab shortly after the program was completed. Assays results are pending and are expected to be received very soon. A follow up diamond drill program is being planned and assay results will be utilized to guide additional exploration for the upcoming exploration season.
Carscallen Extension Property:
The Carscallen Extension Property is located near Timmons, Ontario and immediately adjoins the Carscallen Project currently being explored under a joint venture agreement between Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd. and Melkior Resources Inc. An initial drill program commenced on Nov. 19, 2020 designed to test a large zone identified by aerial acoustic geophysics on trend with the projected extension of the Shenkman-ZamZam gold system which has been the focus of the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV. Melkior has reported that the Shenkman-ZamZam zone extends for 800 meters and is open to both the northwest and southeast, as well as at depth. High grade intercepts reported by Melkior on the Carscallen include 23.5 g/t Au over 8.0 meters (Melkior news release 28/11/2019) and 25.7 g/t Au over 6.0 meters (Melkior news release 7/5/2020). To date, three diamond drill holes have been completed totalling 1,850 meters. Initial test samples were sent to the lab while detailed logging of the core was ongoing. Further samples were identified during core logging and have also been sent for assay. Results are pending.
Windfall North Property:
Affinity Metals holds a 100% owned mineral property in Quebec, Canada that adjoins Osisko’s world class Windfall Lake project claim holdings. The property resides on the Eastern portion of the prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt.
Affinity staked the North Windfall claims based on the interpreted northeast trend of the Windfall Lake Fault from the Windfall Lake gold deposit and plans to conduct geological and geophysical data compilation in order to generate drill targets in anticipation of a diamond drill program in 2021.
Rob Edwards, CEO of Affinity Metals, remarks, “As we look into 2021 we are very excited to establish plans for further advancement of our key properties. Unfortunately, assay labs have been plagued with delays as Covid-19 and the volume of exploration has caused a drastic increase in turnaround times from what the industry is accustomed to. The delays of setting a waypoint for 2021 exploration programs will hopefully be short lived as we expect results from the 2020 exploration programs soon.
Additionally, Affinity has good neighbors with good geology surrounding its key exploration properties. Recent developments on these properties bordering Affinity’s properties seem likely to continue to provide added exposure and value to the Company and its shareholders. Specifically, on the Regal Property in BC, Rokmaster Resources has expanded its 2021 Drill Program to 10,000 meters after positive results. The Kirkland Lake/Melkior joint venture in Ontario on the Carscallen Project has been expanded to 6,600 meters of diamond drilling and in Quebec, Osisko Mining continues to prove up their Windfall Project with some extremely encouraging drill results. Affinity and its investors have so much to look forward to in 2021.”
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital, KirklandLake
Posted in Affinity Metals, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Provides Exploration Update $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca
AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca

Affinity Metals (AFF : TSXV) discusses rational for recently acquired Carscallen Extension property. The Carscallen Extension immediately adjoins the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV Carscallen Project located approximately 6 km west of Pan American Silver’s West Timmins Mine and approximately 25 KM West of Timmins.
Affinity announced the commencement of drilling on trend with the projected extension of the Shenkman-ZamZam gold system which has been the focus of the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV.
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital, KirklandLake, KL
Posted in Affinity Metals, AGORACOM Small Cap 60, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca
AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Starts Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca

Affinity Metals discusses rational for recently acquired Carscallen Extension property. The Carscallen Extension immediately adjoins the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV Carscallen Project located approximately 6 km west of Pan American Silver’s West Timmins Mine and approximately 25 KM West of Timmins. The company has recently announced the commencement of drilling on trend with the projected extension of the Shenkman-ZamZam gold system which has been the focus of the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV.
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital, KirklandLake, KL, Melkior
Posted in Affinity Metals, AGORACOM Small Cap 60, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Starts Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca
Affinity Metals: From CEO Rob Edwards $AFF.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $TUD.ca $GTT.ca $AMK.ca $OSK.ca $RKR.ca

Hello Current and Potential Investors,
The new restrictions in BC came fast and we had to act quickly in regards to our AGM in order to comply with these mandates. For all companies, this year has been challenging to accommodate in person events like conferences and investor meetings. Though we normally see very few investors (if any) attend these meetings, these in person meetings can provide opportunities to allow investors to ask important questions and have management provide answers. Open communication with our shareholders is important to us. Since our question and answer portion of the AGM has been cancelled due to these circumstances we want to make sure we remind all current and potential investors of our contact information so we can answer any questions you may have.
If you have any questions you would like to speak with us on, please Email any questions to [email protected] and we will answer these directly or you can call our office at 604-227-3554.
In addition, we will be compiling the questions asked and the answers into a Q&A that will be distributed to our mailing list.
We are very excited for the coming months. We are awaiting assays from the Regal Drill Program. Unfortunately the labs have a considerably longer turnaround time than normal, but our Regal results should come back to us in late December. Our Drill is currently turning on the Carscallen Extension Property and we are very optimistic for results in 2021!
Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you,
Rob Edwards
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital, Melkior
Posted in Affinity Metals, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on Affinity Metals: From CEO Rob Edwards $AFF.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $TUD.ca $GTT.ca $AMK.ca $OSK.ca $RKR.ca
AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Starts Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca

Affinity Metals discusses rational for recently acquired Carscallen Extension property. The Carscallen Extension immediately adjoins the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV Carscallen Project located approximately 6 km west of Pan American Silver’s West Timmins Mine and approximately 25 KM West of Timmins. The company has recently announced the commencement of drilling on trend with the projected extension of the Shenkman-ZamZam gold system which has been the focus of the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV.
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital, KirklandLake, KL, Melkior
Posted in Affinity Metals, AGORACOM Small Cap 60, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on AGORACOM Small Cap 60: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Starts Drilling Carscallen Extension Adjoining Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca
Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Commences Initial Drill Program on Carscallen Extension Property $TUD.ca $GTT.ca $AMK.ca $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca

Vancouver, British Columbia–(Newsfile Corp. – November 19, 2020) – Affinity Metals Corp. (TSXV: AFF) (FSE: 34IA) (“the Corporation”) (“Affinity”) is pleased to announce that it has started its first drill program on the recently acquired Carscallen Extension property. The Carscallen Extension immediately adjoins the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV Carscallen Project located approximately 6 km west of Pan American Silver’s West Timmins Mine and approximately 25 KM West of Timmins, Ontario.
Affinity’s planned drilling is on trend with the projected extension of the Shenkman-ZamZam gold system which has been the focus of the Melkior/Kirkland Lake Gold JV. Melkior has reported that the Shenkman-ZamZam zone extends for 800 meters and is open to both the northwest and southeast, as well as at depth. High grade intercepts reported by Melkior on the Carscallen include 23.5 g/t Au over 8.0 meters (Melkior news release 28/11/2019) and 25.7 g/t Au over 6.0 meters (Melkior news release 7/5/2020).

Rob Edwards, CEO of Affinity Metals, remarks, “We are very excited to commence our initial drill program on our Carscallen Extension property as we are located on trend and within a kilometer of work being conducted by Kirkland Lake. We have some very promising targets that have been identified by our geophysics. It will be an eventful winter season here at Affinity, as we await assays from our Regal Property and focus on the initial drill program on the Carscallen Extension. We are very optimistic about the value that will be created by our work on these properties this year.”
About Affinity Metals
Affinity is focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of strategic metal deposits within North America. Affinity is following a hybrid approach of combining the advancement of strategic assets along with following a Project Generator model.
Affinity recently completed a drill program on the Regal Project located near Revelstoke, British Columbia and is now awaiting assay results from that work.
The Corporation recently acquired the Carscallen Extension property located immediately adjacent to the Melkior-Kirkland Lake Carscallen project in Ontario as well as the Windfall North property, located adjacent to Osisko’s Windfall project in Quebec. Affinity also holds four additional properties located in Ontario and one additional property located in British Columbia.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Robert Edwards, CEO and Director of Affinity Metals Corp.
The Company can be contacted at: [email protected]
Information relating to the Company is available at: www.affinity-metals.com
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital
Posted in Affinity Metals, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Commences Initial Drill Program on Carscallen Extension Property $TUD.ca $GTT.ca $AMK.ca $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca
VIDEO: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Key Property Acquisition Adjacent to the $110M Melkior Resources – Kirkland Lake Gold Carscallen Project $TUD.ca $GTT.ca $AMK.ca $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL
Affinity Metals (AFF:TSX-V) (34IA: FSE) recently made two key property acquisitions. The Carscallen Extension adjoins the Kirkland Lake / Melkior $110 million Joint Venture and is on trend. Melkior’s Carscallen property has gained considerable attention in recent months since Kirkland Lake Gold first entered into negotiations. Melkior recently closed a strategic partnership with KL in an option deal worth up to $110 million. The confidence of a major producer entering into an agreement of this size is very promising and shows the potential of this newly discovered gold system.
The Windfall North is along strike to the northeast from Osisko’s rapidly growing Windfall Lake deposit within the prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt. Osisko’s Windfall Lake Project is reportedly one of the highest grade resource-stage gold projects in Canada and continues to grow as more discoveries are made. Osisko recently reported Windfall Lake indicated resources of 2.39 million tonnes at 9.1 g/t Au (1,206,000 oz. gold) and inferred resources of 10.61 million tonnes at 8.4 g/t. (3,938,000 oz. gold). Osisko has defined the resource approximately 2000m on strike and 1500m depth, and continues to drill at an impressive pace.
Sit back and discover why Affinity offers multiple opportunities to take advantage of a growing bull market in metals.
Watch this interview or listen by Podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify or your favourite podcaster.
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, Carscallen Extension, CrescatCapital, Windfall Lake, Windfall North
Posted in Affinity Metals, AGORACOM Via Satellite, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on VIDEO: Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Key Property Acquisition Adjacent to the $110M Melkior Resources – Kirkland Lake Gold Carscallen Project $TUD.ca $GTT.ca $AMK.ca $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL
Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Acquires Windfall North Property $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca $PAAS.ca $TUD.ca $AMK.ca
Vancouver, British Columbia…Affinity Metals Corp. (TSX-V:AFF) (FRANKFURT: 34IA) (“the Corporation”) (“Affinity”) is very pleased to report that it has acquired, through staking, a mineral property in Quebec, Canada that adjoins Osisko’s world class Windfall Lake project claim holdings. The property has been named the Windfall North. The property consists of 96 mineral tenures spanning 5143.15 hectares and straddles the very prospective main lithological contact and structural trend along strike to the northeast from Osisko’s rapidly growing Windfall Lake deposit within the prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt.
Location of Windfall North Property
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Abitibi Greenstone Belt The Abitibi Greenstone Belt, along with the Fraser Institute deeming it the 4th most attractive mining jurisdiction in the world, is home to dozens of world class deposits including: Val-d’Or Chibougamau Kirkland Lake Timmins Detour Lake Malartic Bousquet Rouyn-Noranda Larder Lake The Abitibi is renowned as the world’s largest mineral-rich greenstone geological belt. The geological structure spans 450 km long by 150 km wide and runs through the Canadian Shield, from west of Timmins, Ontario, then eastward to Chibougamau, Quebec. The region’s history hosts over 100 mines that have aggregately produced an excess of 170 million ounces of gold. While the belt is known primarily for its prolific gold mines, base metal production in the region is also substantial at over 400 million ounces of silver, 15 billion tons of copper, and 35 billion tons of zinc. Osisko’s Windfall Lake Gold Deposit The Windfall Lake Project is reportedly one of the highest grade resource-stage gold projects in Canada and continues to grow as more discoveries are made. Osisko recently reported Windfall Lake indicated resources of 2.39 million tonnes at 9.1 g/t Au (1,206,000 oz. gold) and inferred resources of 10.61 million tonnes at 8.4 g/t. (3,938,000 oz. gold). Osisko has defined the resource approximately 2000m on strike and 1500m depth, and continues to drill at an impressive pace. They hit the million meter drilling mark earlier this year in anticipation of an updated resource estimate in the later part of 2020 and a feasibility study to come out next summer. In 2018, a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) forecast was done on the Windfall Lake Project. At the time it contained around 3 million oz. gold. As it stood then , it would cost $397 million to build the mine that would produce an average of 218,000 oz. gold annually, over 8.1 years. The study projected an after-tax internal rate of return of 32.7% and a net present value of $413.2 million using a discount rate of 5%. The PEA in 2018, indicated Windfall had very strong economics with a $1,300 gold price and a 6.7 g/t gold grade deposit. With gold in the $1,900’s and an inferred resource estimate of 9.1 g/t Au, the Windfall project has exponentially grown in value. The region will become even more profitable by the means of a 30-year Grande Alliance agreement. The agreement covers road, rail, port and power infrastructure in the region, including a powerline from Lebel-sur-Quévillon directly to the Windfall site. Mick Carew of Haywood Securities commented in a northern miner article (dated May 29, 2019), on the growing results, and states they “reflect the continued assertion that Windfall is part of a larger, dynamic gold mineralized system” and “demonstrate the significant exploration potential beyond the immediate footprint of the current Windfall resource.” Selected high-grade drill intercepts from Osisko’s Windfall program (last 12 months): 143 g/t Au over 2.0 metres in OSK-W-19-2197-W1 153 g/t Au over 3.4 metres in WST-19-0234 376 g/t Au over 2.0 metres in WST-20-0310 199 g/t Au over 5.0 metres in WST-20-0312 34.8 g/t Au over 10.4 metres in OSK-W-20-2266-W1 171 g/t Au over 2.5 metres in WST-20-0463 173 g/t Au over 2.0 metres in OSK-W-20-2139-W8 21.0 g/t Au over 13.0 metres in OSK-W-2256-W1 115 g/t Au over 5.6 metres in OSK-W-20-2256-W2 1475 g/t Au over 4.6 metres in OSK-W-19-1731-W2 Windfall North Property Geology |
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Affinity’s North Windfall claims are located along the contact of a dioritic gneiss terrain and a granitic terrains. It is strategically positioned directly along the Windfall and Romeo faults and is located approximately 9 km NNE from Osisko’s Windfall Lake project. The Windfall fault, which is interpreted to represent the ductile level root feeder system that plumbs and controls the location of Osisko’s Windfall deposit model, is interpreted to continue northeast into Affinity’s Windfall North claim holdings along strike where it diverges into two separate structural traces and subducts beneath the granitic pluton.
Affinity staked the North Windfall claims based on the interpreted northeast trend of the Windfall Lake Fault from the Windfall Lake gold deposit and plans to conduct a geological and geophysical data compilation in order to generate drill targets.
Qualified Person
The Qualified Person for this news release for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 is Kevin Montgomery, P.Geo. and he has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained herein.
About Affinity Metals
Affinity is following a hybrid approach of combining the advancement of strategic assets along with following a Project Generator model.
In addition to the recently acquired Windfall North property, Affinity presently holds two properties in British Columbia as well as five additional properties located near Timmins, Ontario.
The Regal project is located near Revelstoke, BC in the northern end of the prolific Kootenay Arc and hosts several major geophysical anomalies as well as three historic small-scale past producing mines. An exploration program, including in excess of 3,000 meters of drilling, is presently underway on the project.
Affinity very recently acquired the Carscallen Extension property located immediately adjacent to the Melkior-Kirkland Lake Carscallen project.
On behalf of the Board of Directors Robert Edwards, CEO and Director of Affinity Metals Corp. The Company can be contacted at: [email protected] |
Information relating to the Company is available at: www.affinity-metals.com |
Tags: #AffinityMetals, #BCMining, #Canada, #Discovery, #Drilling, #GoldStandard, #Incrementum, #InGoldWeTrust, #silver, #TaviCosta, AFF, AOTH_RMills, CrescatCapital
Posted in Affinity Metals, All Recent Posts | Comments Off on Affinity Metals $AFF.ca Acquires Windfall North Property $OSK.ca $RKR.ca $MKR.ca $SII.ca $KL.ca $PAAS.ca $TUD.ca $AMK.ca