- Network to Provide Real Time Customer Analytics, Security & Sensor Integration in Up to 50,000 Modelorama Stores & Independent Neighborhood Bodegas in Latin America
Philadelphia, PA, March 15, 2021 (– VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (CSE: VSBY) (Frankfurt: 5VS) (OTC: VSBGF) (“VSBLTY”), a leading software provider of security and retail analytics technology, along with Mexico’s Grupo Modelo (“Modelo”) (part of the AB InBev family of companies) and Retailigent Media have formalized an agreement (the “Agreement”) to enter into a joint venture by the end of Q2 to install and manage an international in-store media network of up to 50,000 Modelorama stores and independent neighborhood bodegasin Mexico and across Latin America by the end of 2024, it was announced today. Active deploymentis already underway in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador with 5000 locations to be installed by the end of 2021.
In addition to being an international advertising network, it will provide real-time security for store owners, powered by artificial intelligence, as well as integration of store traffic and customer demographics with sales and critical operations-related data to help stores optimize their business.
VSBLTY Co-founder & CEO Jay Hutton said, “The deployments are already underway in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador and we have started contracting media time to consumer-packaged goods brands to advertise to Latin American shoppers right at point-of-sale where buying decisions are made. VSBLTY will be supplying its proprietary software for analytics, security, and visual display,” Hutton said.