12 months ago investors couldn’t be blamed if they found it hard to grasp the genius and foresight of Liquid Avatar $LQID $LQAVF ….. the easiest way to describe the company was as a blockchain platform allowing people to manage & profit from their digital identity, which became a real need once global laws started being enacted to prevent the likes of Facebook from every abusing our private information again.
It sounded great … and definitely sounded like something valuable 3-4 years into the future … but then the signs started showing up that painted an accelerating picture that would put LQID at the forefront of digital identity.
1. In March of this year, Google validated the $LQID business model with this stunning announcement:
- Google believes these types of tracking methods don’t “meet rising consumer expectations for privacy, nor will they stand up to rapidly evolving regulatory restrictions, and therefore aren’t a sustainable long term investment.
- Google is experimenting with tools in its Privacy Sandbox that are designed to allow advertising to continue to work on the web but in a less privacy-encroaching way.
- “Keeping the internet open and accessible for everyone requires all of us to do more to protect privacy — and that means an end to not only third-party cookies, but also any technology used for tracking individual people as they browse the web,” David Temkin, Google’s director of product management for ads privacy and trust,
What is the potential outcome of this major shift by Google?
“Google’s decision could upend the ad industry, which has relied on these types of tracking tools”
Now the data privacy and monetization game is underway with LQID sitting in a great position within the industry and the dominant position within the small cap world.
2. In May of this year, The Ontario government released its digital identity strategy outlining ways in which it plans to harness the potential of the digital economy and better utilize data. Included in the plan are tangible commitments.
Then came the news all Liquid Avatar investors were waiting for:
Ontario Releases Technology and Standards for Digital Identity which includes:
- the creation of a new data authority;
- the introduction of a new government-issued digital ID that lets people prove who they are both online and in person
Enter $LQID whose Liquid Avatar Verifiable Credentials Ecosystem (LAVCE) is being built to support all participants in a digital credential ecosystem, including the Holder, Issuer and Verifier, using state-of-the-art blockchain and open standards technologies – initially as a node on the Indicio Network. More than just a good idea, $LQID issued a press release announcing the following:
“Ontario is one of the first jurisdictions in North America to announce that it will issue and enable digital credentials – and it has been a great experience working with the government on this both directly and through our role in membership organizations like the Trust Over IP Foundation”
“Liquid Avatar Technologies has been a part of the ongoing consultations around the province’s plan to introduce a digital identification credential by the end of 2021”
Make no mistake about it. This is a simply massive paradigm shift and $LQID isn’t going to tackle this on its own. The Company is a voting and steering committee member of the Trust over IP Foundation, founding and steering committee member of Cardea, a Linux Foundation Public Health project, member of the Good Health Pass collaborative, ID2020, DIACC, The Linux Foundation and a founding member of the Lumedic Exchange.
Suddenly it is getting easy to see the genius of Liquid Avatar.
Watch this great interview with CEO David Lucatch.