Agoracom Blog

Small-Cap Marketing Lesson: Your Website No Longer Counts

Posted by AGORACOM at 6:34 PM on Friday, March 21st, 2008

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Small-Cap Marketing Lesson Du Jour: If you don’t recognize or know how to leverage the companies above, it’s time to listen up.

In Web 1.0, the name of the game was driving as many people to your site as possible. The web was not connected. There was no syndication. Either a lot of people came to your website, or you were unheard of.

Today, in Web 2.0, the web is dominated by syndication. You don’t drive people to your website to find out about you. Rather, you let them read about you on sites they already frequent. Your job is to drop your information into a few strategic places, tag it with keywords that properly describe your business and let the web do the rest.

The process isn’t simple but invest the proper amount of time and/or money and the payoff is huge. Just look at AGORACOM. We were virtually unknown 3 years ago and we’re now serving 10,000,000 pages per month to ~ 140,000 investors….and that is just traffic on our site. This does not include the number of people that view our videos, blog posts and other content on sites around the world.


If you are a small-cap CEO, you have to start thinking about the world as your oyster. This is the greatest investor relations era of all time. Stop looking at the tape today and start planning to become one of the best small-cap brands of tomorrow.

If you are truly building a great company for the future, then 2-3 years is should be music to your ears. It has been music to ours and I want you to experience the same success.


3 Responses to “Small-Cap Marketing Lesson: Your Website No Longer Counts”

  1. […] your IR goals simply can’t be overstated. If you think a website alone is sufficient, you are wrong and need to read this report in order to avoid wasting more valuable […]

  2. […] you are a Canadian Small-Cap CEO that still doubts the power of Web 2.0 as your primary IR tool (no, your website alone is no longer sufficient) for finding new investors, communicating with all investors and converting them into shareholders, […]

  3. […] you want more information on this, read my post here.  It is perhaps the best and most valuable lesson you will learn as a small-cap […]