[NOTE: These charts are “live”, they are not a snapshot. As such, if you are reading this post after October 9th, you will be seeing the current price and chart action of gold, not the October 9th parabolic move]
What does the market know that the masses don’t? Look at the green line for what gold did between 3:00 and 4:00.
Capitulation has got to be close, so I’ll repeat my comments for those of you who are panicking….
If you’re an investor with even a little bit of cash, this is going to be one of the best buying opportunities of your life.
If you’re a CEO of a small-cap company, this is the time to place your company head and shoulders above your peers so that investors come to you once they’ve calmed down.
Hey, Sasa. Thanks for the question. We pull the chart off Kitco and it continues to track gold long after the post is made. If you look at this post 30 days from now, it will have the price of gold and chart action 30 days from now.
By the way, I do have a flux capacitor that allows me to go “back to the future”. 🙂
your post “Why Did Gold Go Parabolic At 3:30?”
is dated October 9th, 2008 but it shows the gold chart for October 10th
Question: how do you do it? can you see into the future?
Goldman Sachs economist’s had a conference call yesterday. They feel that US stocks are now below their long-term average P/E. By this measure, they conclude fair value on the S&P 500 is about 900. At 09:33 EST is was 877.48 on YHOO Finance.