Agoracom Blog

Case Study: Online Investor Relations Success For Seabridge Gold (SA:NYSE – SEA:TSX). Forbes Now Calling For $50 Share Price

Posted by AGORACOM at 1:29 PM on Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Congratulations to our friend and recent client Rudi Fronk, President and CEO of Seabridge Gold, for receiving some serious love out of Forbes this weekend.  In an article, writer Robert Maltbie stated:

Looks Like Our Media Messaging Worked To A Charm!

Looks Like Our Media Messaging Worked To A Charm!


Seabridge Gold came to AGORACOM with a mountain of gold but a molehill of brand recognition.  So we embarked on an investor relations campaign whose primary purpose was to target and educate online gold investors about the company’s incredible gold projects.  Simply put, we knew that gold and metals investors would love this story, it was simply a matter of getting the facts into their hands.  If we could execute, I knew the results would be spectacular for this unsung gold hero.

To this end, AGORACOM Investor Relations incorporated:

The Result? About $600 Million in increased Market Capitalization.  However, to be fair, I always state that AGORACOM never takes more than 1/3 of the credit or blame.  For an online investor relations program to work, you need to have these 3 critical components:

  • A great company (Seabridge Gold is an awesome company)
  • A great investor relations program (that would be us)
  • A cooperative market.  Mind you, Seabridge was able to blast ahead during Q1 2009 when the markets were cratering.

Put all of those together and you get something like this …

Thus endeth the lesson.

3 Responses to “Case Study: Online Investor Relations Success For Seabridge Gold (SA:NYSE – SEA:TSX). Forbes Now Calling For $50 Share Price”

  1. JC says:

    Seabridge has done a fantastic job advancing their KSM project over the last 24 months. Assuming gold does continue to rise, I see no reason why it can’t hit forbes target.

  2. leo polenta says:

    I always liked Seabridge. Great to see Rudi featured in a world class publication.

  3. goldenegg says:

    Could anyone explain why Seabridge seems so cheap compared to its peers on an market cap per ounce basis? Resource Stock Guide has it at approx. $40/oz. This seems more like a junior valuation to me.
