Agoracom Blog

Al Korelin – How AGORACOM Can Make You A Better Small-Cap Resources Investor

Posted by AGORACOM at 9:23 AM on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Korelin Banner

Good morning to you all.  While on my recent trip to Vancouver, I had the pleasure of sitting down for an interview with Al Korelin, a stalwart in the small-cap resources industry and the person I consider to have the best radio/online show covering the world of small-cap resources.  If you haven’t discovered his site, make your way over there and take a look around.

More than just lip service, The radio show has entered syndication, available to 2.7 million radio listeners each week, and thousands more on the internet.  As such, it was a bit of a thrill for me when Al approached me at the Cambridge Conference to request an interview with me.

The interview lasted 8 1/2 minutes and Al was gracious enough to discuss the benefits of using AGORACOM, as well as, how investors should be using the web to become better investors.  More importantly, Al touched on a topic that has become very important to me – consolidating the best 10 – 12 minds in the space under one umbrella.

Thanks for a great interview Al.


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