Agoracom Blog

44% Of AGORACOM Stories Clicked By Investors Outside Canada

Posted by AGORACOM at 7:48 AM on Friday, April 1st, 2011

Keeping with my tradition of sharing great data with our audience, clients, prospects and industry, I’m happy to share some “click data” with you pertaining to stories published by AGORACOM.  I find this information to be helpful because it provides specific insight into the engagement of international and local readers on AGORACOM, especially with respect to international visitors.  Are they just visiting? Or are they actually engaging?

From the looks of things, I can declare they are actually engaging and that’s a great thing for everybody.  For Canadian companies, it means they are getting healthy exposure to international audiences that are otherwise difficult to reach.  For US companies,   it means healthy exposure to Canadian investors that can and do purchase US stocks at will.

Please see the graph and table below for details, pertaining to:

  • Number Of Countries
  • Click % By Country
  • Top 25 Countries By Clicks

The data was sampled over the entire month of March and is consistent with what we’ve seen over the past couple of months.

For the tech geeks out there, we use to track a small but ample sample of stories / posts / tweets that we publish.

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