Regulated Marijuana Production
- Burlington joint venture approximately 75,000 sq ft in total potential space
- Applied to produce 10,000kg of Medical Marijuana per year
- Planned production areas have 22 foot ceilings which will allow for the possibility of a 2nd mezzanine level in many areas, allowing for additional future expansion.
- Closed 51% acquisition of Poviva Tea, LLC
Gupta: ‘I am doubling down’ on medical marijuana
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Cheif Medical Correspondent. We have no affiliation with this well known medical expert, but his latest “Doubling Down” on the medical marijuana sector is worthy of your attention. Reasons such as these convince us we are doing the right thing in entering this market.
Medical marijuana and ‘the entourage effect’
Today, most Americans and most Canadians support some form of medical use of marijuana, in poll after poll.
Likewise, the legal marijuana industry is and will be heavily regulated, and we support that. We’ve already proven our ability to be transparent with our stakeholders and our ability to work within all applicable government regulations. We promise to deliver that transparency and dedication to the legal marijuana industry where these traits are a vital component towards ultimate success.
The medical marijuana business just might be one of the most recession-proof industry sectors there are. There is no boom and bust cycle that is apparent. The average demographic age in North America continues to increase, with over 44 million people in the USA today at the age of 65 or over. Age-related illnesses will continue to grow, and some fraction of these people looking for an alternative to opiate-based painkillers have a real need for pain-relief choices.
12 Month Stock Chart
Start your small cap medical marijuana research in the AGORACOM Small Cap Medical Marijuana Stocks Gateway:
Tags: #smallcapstocks, $TSXV, CBD, CSE, medical Marijuana, otcqb, THC