Investment Highlights
- Avalon offers diversified exposure to a broad range of rare metals and minerals (including tin) that are critical raw materials for clean technology
- Nechalacho Project, with a completed feasibility study, an approved Environmental Assessment and a rare earth oxide refining solution in place, is uniquely positioned to bring a new supply of the scarce, yet vital heavy rare earths to the market
- East Kemptville Tin-Indium Project was re-activated in 2014 and is advancing steadily with a new NI 43-101 resource estimate and a conceptual re-development study completed Feb 2015
- Separation Rapids Lithium Minerals (Petalite) Project is advancing due to new demand from the glass-ceramics industry for the petalite product and for its potential to produce high purity lithium chemicals for the growing rechargeable battery market
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Tags: #mining, #smallcapstocks, HREE, REE, tin, tsx