Why Star Navigation Systems?
- Real-time worldwide tracking and monitoring systems
- Clients include: Commercial airlines, Regional and Business aircraft operators
- Flat Panel and LCD Displays, and Control Units for aerospace and defense operators worldwide
- Clients include: Lockheed Martin, CAE , Northrop Grumman Italy
- On-board real-time monitoring and data analysis system that provides a “virtual window into an aircraft”
- As cost-effective air to ground communication system that automatically and securely transmits flight data and incident alerts.
- Continuously monitors selected avionics systems on the aircraft from power-on to power-off, instantly analyzes the data, and transmits selected data and any incident alerts, via satellite to the operator.
- Acts as an early warning system, detecting the earliest signs of potential problems
- Performs these functions in “real-time” providing essential safety monitoring to the benefit of passengers, aircraft personnel, and ground crew
- Applications include: Commercial Airlines, Helicopters, Business Aircraft, Assist Search and Rescue by providing last transmitted location
- Future applications: Emergency Medical Services (airborne and ground vehicles), Land vehicles
Real-Time Telemedicine for Emergency Medical Evacuation by Air Transportation
- In concept, the STAR-ISMS® would, in real-time, gather, format and transmit the bio-medical data from a patient in transit to the ground medical dispatch center or directly to the hospital where critical treatment is intended, ensuring timely, continuous, immediate and coherent bio data sharing for vital decision making process.
- Idea has been formalized into a collaborative Research project, supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the MEDTEQ Consortium, called “Real-Time Telemedicine for Emergency Medical Evacuation by Air Transportationâ€.
- STAR developed a wide range of AMLCD flat panel display sizes, with LED Backlights, resolutions and orientations to meet a variety of demanding engineering and environmental challenges.
- STAR M.M.I.™ capabilities allow to provide customized answers to specific needs for retrofit of man-machine interface on existing fixed-wing or rotary aircraft, as well as military land vehicles. When there is a need to design, manufacture, test display or control units to be inserted in a legacy vehicle or when there is an obsolescence management problem requesting the replacement of old displays, STAR M.M.I.™Â is ideally positioned to offer a competitive solution.
- STAR M.M.I.™Â Displays and control units can be found on multiple platforms retrofitted worldwide such as the P3C, Mirage fighters, Hawk trainers, various helicopters (Puma , Lynx…) or simulators
- STAR has entered long term agreement (up to 2021) for repairs and maintenance support with customers such as Lockheed Martin
Applications include:
- Tactical displays
- Radar warning devices
- Navigational displays
- Maintenance, Mission & Instrumentation Systems
- Field communication systems
- Tactical portable computer display units
Satellite Flight Tracking:
- Real-time flight tracking of the aircraft with embedded independent GPS;
- Displays current latitude, longitude, speed, altitude and heading of the aircraft at customized time intervals;
- Geo-fencing and real-time alerts
Satellite Voice/Text Communication:
- Two-way reliable voice communication;
- Two-way text messaging between the aircraft and ground;
- Back-up emergency SOS/Distress communication platform
STAR V-trk™
Cost Effective Real-Time Flight Tracking
Provides the aviation industry with cost effective real-time flight tracking starting from 5 second intervals with a true global coverage using Iridium satellite constellation.
The system at a minimum provides real-time situational awareness along with
- Lat, Long coordinates
- Ground speed
- Heading
- Altitude
- Tail number
Tags: #smallcapstocks, $TSXV, CSE