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$ Back , GGX Gold Intersects 7.44 g/t Gold, 54.9 g/t Silver and 41.6 g/t Tellurium over 0.45 Meters at COD Vein, Gold Drop Property, Southern British Columbia $ $GZD

Posted by AGORACOM at 9:58 AM on Thursday, June 14th, 2018

  • Phase III diamond drilling program on the Gold Drop Property near Greenwood, BC.
  • 7.44 grams / tonne (g/t) gold, 54.9 g/t silver and 41.6 g/t tellurium over 0.45 meter core length in DDCOD18-4


Vancouver, British Columbia (FSCwire)GGX Gold Corp. (TSXV: GGX) (the “Company” or “GGX”) is pleased to announce drill core analytical results from this winter’s Phase III diamond drilling program on the Gold Drop Property near Greenwood, BC. Analytical results have been received for drill holes DDCOD18-4 to DDCOD18-6, targeting the COD gold and silver bearing quartz vein in the Gold Drop Southwest Zone. Results include 7.44 grams / tonne (g/t) gold, 54.9 g/t silver and 41.6 g/t tellurium over 0.45 meter core length in DDCOD18-4 in the COD Vein.  Analytical results were previously announced for drill holes DDCOD18-1 to DDCOD18-3 with the highlight being 14.6 g/t gold, 150 g/t silver and 102 g/t tellurium over 2.1 meter core length in DDCOD18-3 (News Release of May 29, 2018)..


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The ongoing diamond drilling program is designed to test and further define the COD Vein, a Dentonia/Jewel style quartz vein, located in the Gold Drop Southwest Zone. Trenching during 2017 has exposed the northeast – southwest striking COD Vein for over 160 meter strike length.

The analytical results reported in this News Release are for DDCOD18-4 through DDCOD18-6 of the 2018 drilling program, which were completed from two pads north of the COD Mineshaft. DDCOD18-4 was drilled at a 161° azimuth and a 70° dip. DDCOD18-5 was completed at a 161°azimuth and a 60° dip. DDCOD18-6 was drilled at a 308° azimuth and a 45° dip. Hole 4 and 5 holes were designed to further delineate the COD vein at depth below the 2017 trench. Hole 6 was drilled from the east side of the vein to intersect the vein and to identify possible cross structures.

Drill hole DDCOD18-4 intercepted the vein at an in-hole depth of 48.45 meters, or true depth of 37.51 meters. DDCOD18-5 intercepted the vein at an in-hole depth of 32.1 meters, or true depth of 27.8 meters. DDCOD18-6 intercepted the vein at an in-hole depth of 10.9 meters, or true depth of 8.5 meters.

The analytical results listed below are from holes DDCOD18-4 to DDCOD18-6, testing the COD Vein. Since true widths cannot be accurately determined from the information available the core lengths (meters) are reported. The Gold and Silver analyses are reported in grams per tonne (g/t equals parts per million). The intervals listed in the table below are from the gold and silver bearing vein and / or adjacent low grade mineralized host rock.

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval Length (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Te (g/t)
COD18-4 7.82 8.1 0.28 24.1 189 127
COD18-4 48.32 49.05 0.73 1.54 16.25 11.7
COD18-4 49.05 49.5 0.45 7.44 54.9 41.6
COD18-5 32.1 32.65 0.55 1.2 7.74 4.97
COD18-5 34.12 34.65 0.53 1.08 9.38 6.36
COD18-6 7.18 7.68 0.5 1.08 8.24 5.29
COD18-6 10.9 11.35 0.45 1.19 13.9 8.94
COD18-6 11.35 11.8 0.45 0.14 3.2 2.26
COD18-6 11.8 12.6 0.8 0.81 5.17 4.56


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The most significant gold mineralization is found in the COD Dentonia/Jewel style quartz vein. The vein is mineralized with pyrite and trace chalcopyrite and telluride minerals. The hostrock near the vein is often altered and carries anomalous silver and gold values, such as at 11.80-12.60 m in DDCOD18-6 which is silicified and pyrite bearing. Silicification and chlorite alteration is texture and magnetite destructive. Strong fine disseminated pyrite is often found in these alteration zones.

Observed core vein contact angles indicate the COD vein is sub-vertical being structurally controlled by the host rock. The predominant host rock for the COD vein is a massive and competent medium grain granodiorite of the Antsey Pluton. Faulting does occur however the general north south trend of the vein is predictable.

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In 2017 the Company had received analytical results for 68 trench channel samples collected at the COD Vein. These samples returned anomalous to high grade values for gold, including high values of 43.2 grams / tonne (g/t) Gold and 224 g/t Silver (News Release of July 26, 2017). The first batch of 2017 drill core samples for the COD Vein returned up to 24.1 g/t Gold and 192 g/t Silver (News Release of Aug 28, 2017). The second batch of drill core samples also returned significant gold and silver values including a broad intersection in hole COD17-14 grading 4.59 g/t Gold and 38.64 g/t Silver over 16.03 meters core length with a high grade core grading 10.96 g/t Gold and 89.86 g/t Silver over 5.97 meters core length (News Release of Sept 7, 2017).

Drill core is being geologically logged and sampled at the Greenwood facility. Drill core is sawn in half with half core samples submitted for analysis and remaining half core stored in a secure location. Core samples were delivered to the ALS Minerals laboratory in Vancouver to be analyzed for gold by Fire Assay – AA. The samples are also being analyzed for 48 Elements by Four Acid and ICP-AES / ICP-MS. Quality control (QC) samples are inserted at regular intervals.

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David Martin, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, is responsible for the technical information contained in this News Release.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

Barry Brown, Director


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