Advance Gold has Identified up to 30 Epithermal veins through the first 2 stages of drilling.
- AGT-02 Tabasquena intersected 19m of core and is discovery hole of 1.7m of 9.64g/t gold in first 10 metres assayed.
- La Chiquita – 4.70m Intersection from (109.25 to 113.95) in AGT-04
- AGT-04 Intersected new Vein Yaki for 0.8m, crosscutting La Chiquita vein for 4.70m,the Tabasquena vein for 10 metres in the oxide zone & the La Nina vein for 11m (129-140m depth)
Phase 3 Drilling
- In the first two phases of drilling, Advance discovered a cluster of epithermal veins, all but a few of them blind, which suggests this drilling intersected the top of the epithermal vein system.
- The results from the 2 phases of drilling returned significant gold mineralization (see Press Releases November 1, 2018 and November 6, 2018)
- A key focus of the phase 3 drilling will be to drill deeper and target the boiling zone of the epithermal vein system. The cluster of veins dip toward a fault which is considered a key structural feature.
- A proposed hole will start from the east side of the fault, drill west, to then go through the cluster of veins to catch them at the boiling zone.
Tags: #AAX, #AdvanceGold, #Discovery, #Drilling, #Epithermal, gold